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Each of us is at a different level of awareness. Those who are aware do not judge those who are not aware, because those who are aware, are aware that such judgement is not real. God does not judge. What has been called the day of judgement does not exist, because there is no judgement.

We are doing exactly what we should be doing. All are doing exactly what they should be doing, which is why there can be no judgement.

There seems to be an ever increasing trend to judge others for their humanity. The result of judging others for their humanity is that we are increasingly attempting to avoid our humanity, as a means of avoiding judgement. We do not seek to avoid judgement from God, but to avoid judgement from society. Any attempt to avoid judgement from society is an attempt to avoid experience, and we cannot avoid experience.

Judging others for their humanity is a part of the attempt to gain control through legislation and subterfuge. The attempt to gain control through legislation and subterfuge will be unsuccessful.

Much time, energy and effort is taken up simply for the purposes of judging others. Very much money, mostly money taken from people who work hard for a living, is used solely for the purpose of judging others, not in a court of law for a crime, but politically and based on artificial values.

Artificial judgement exists everywhere, and within every culture. It would be far better to leave the money in the pockets of those who had earned it, than to waste money on artificial judgement. We are all the same, and that no one has a right to judge another publicly.

Millions upon millions of people, work for money which is being spent to invade people's privacy and judge such basic privacy as who we may or may not have had sex with. Millions has been spent attempting to hide who we have had sex with. The simple reality is that if we were not judged, we would not be vulnerable, and we would not attempt to cover the truth, and others, for a variety of reasons, would not seek to uncover the truth.

If there was no judgement, hiding or uncovering the truth would be unnecessary and millions of dollars would be saved. All judgement is based upon fear, whilst we continue to live in a fear based environment, and whilst we continue to feed such an environment with our political and moral judgement, our fear based environment will never change.

We cannot blame governments or politicians for judgement, because our governments reflect our choice to exist within a fear based environment. All that we can do, is each of us can choose not to live in a fear based environment. Our governments will always continue to reflect our chosen environment, and the only way for us to change our collective environment, is for each of us to change our individual environment.

Why do we waste our time judging others when the result is always the same. We are not bad, we are not foolish, we do not lack judgement, we do not lack moral fibre. All judgement results in the truth that we are human. Regardless of how the media or anyone else chooses to describe their artificial judgement, the result is the same. We are human.

Regardless of whether we choose to believe that God judges us or not, there is no reason for us to judge. If we believe that God sits in judgement, then we should leave the judgement to God. If we believe that God does not judge, then what right do we have to judge?

Judgement is a product of a fear based society. All that we have to do, is look at history to see the connection between judgement and fear. Judgement is the biggest barrier to creating a love based society.

Wherever we turn, we encounter judgement in one area or another telling us what is wrong with the world. The truth is that nothing is wrong with the world. The world is precisely as we have chosen the world to be.

We have chosen the world to enable us to experience. We have chosen lives filled with not one lifetime experiences, but with a number of lifetime experiences.

To judge is experience. To be judged is experience. All is experience.

Journalists do not have a right to question and judge anybody, with the possible exception of politicians, who have chosen a life of public scrutiny.

There is no judgement. All judgement is an illusion. Some of us choose to experience acts for which we will be morally, or legally judged which is a part of our chosen experience.


Judging Others.


We must not make excuses for others. We must not judge others. We can either accept, or not accept, that a person has a place in our life. We must not judge others, others are not less than us, but we may not wish to be in someone's company.

We must not judge anybody. Their life's experience has made them who they are. They have learned the lessons which they were ready to learn, and they have failed to learn the lessons which they were not ready to learn. We must help someone if we can, we must support someone if they ask, but we must not judge anybody.

People who are travelling the wrong path, need our understanding and our compassion. Our judgement will not help them, nor will our judgement help us.

Who are we to judge what another needs to learn? How can we know what another needs to learn? How can we determine if another's path is incorrect? Each path is necessary for those who travel the path. Even if the path is wrong, the path is right, because those who travel the path, will only learn that the path is wrong by travelling the path.

When we say 'they are the one who has to live with what they have done, not me' we are judging whomever we refer to, and in our judgement we are not forgiving whomever we refer to. Nobody has to live with what they have done, although anybody may choose to live with what they have done. Whether anybody lives with what they have done, is unimportant to anyone except themselves.

What is important to us, is that when we say 'they are the one who has to live with what they have done, not me' we are living with what whomever we refer to has done. We have made whomever we refer to the subject of our judgement, in so doing, we have chosen to live with what whomever we refer to has done. It is our judgement, it is not whomever we refer to's judgement. In our judgement, it is us who has chosen to live with what whomever we refer to has done.

We must judge others neither harshly, nor with compassion and understanding. We must not judge others. Others will not and cannot carry our judgment with them, but we will carry our judgement of others, if our judgement of others exists, and our judgement of others will be a burden on our lives.

Our choices will not prevent us from becoming who we are, so how can we possibly judge the choices of another?

Our determination of what is right for us, may include observing the actions of another, and determining that the actions of another is not right for us. This is not judgement. If we determine that the other person's action is wrong, our review becomes judgement.


The Judgement of Others


We must not be concerned with other people's opinions. Other people will judge us by their values. Other people's values mean nothing, because we can only live by our own values. Other people can only judge us, based upon themselves, and their insecurities. What other point of reference do they have?

We must not be concerned that others do and will judge us. We are not answerable to any, but our actions do have consequences.

Often, others will like to know what is occurring in our life so that they can pass judgement on us. We may choose to experience being judged, and neither accepting or refuting that judgement. Those who choose to judge us are neither right nor wrong. They are simply experiencing judging another, which is their experience, not ours. We will only experience receiving the judgement of others, if we allow ourselves to choose to experience receiving the judgement of others.

We can only exist by our own standards, and therefore we cannot be judged by another, because only we know our own standards. Many who would judge us, do not even know their own standards.

The reason that we lie is because we fear the judgement of others. The judgement of others may be legal in nature, or moral in nature, but either way our motivation for lying remains a fear of judgement.

If we look at our own lives we can see the times when we have lied though fear of the judgement of others in respect of the truth. We then find ourselves trapped by our own lie, which seems to have taken on a life of its own, until we no longer have control of the lie, and we have lost sight of where the truth ended and where the lie began. We reach a point where we genuinely believe that it is impossible to release ourselves from the lie, which does not need to be a big lie or even an important lie. It could be a very small unimportant lie which has imprisoned us. If we did not fear the judgement of others, we would not lie.

Criticism implies judgement. God does not judge, and all judgement is an illusion. We are neither required to like judgement or accept judgement. Although it is wise to listen to criticism because a message could be contained within the words, for us or for the person delivering the criticism.


Accepting Judgement


We do not experience judgement from any source, but ourselves. This does not mean that others do not experience judging us, it simply means that we do not experience being judged, unless we choose to experience being judged.

We will usually discontinue contacting those who would judge us, after we no longer need their judgement. We need the judgement of others, only whilst we continue to accept the judgement of others.

When we defend, explain or justify our actions to others, we are accepting the judgement of others. When we ignore the judgement of others, we accept the judgement others, even if we do not respond. We stop accepting the judgement of others, when we allow that judgement to wash over us.

If we consciously ignore the judgement of others, we are accepting the judgement of others. It is only through allowing the judgement of others to wash over us, that we are not accepting the judgement of others. This same principle is correct with all of what can be termed negative emotions. If we respond to a negative emotion, we are accepting that emotion.

We do not need the acceptance of others to validate ourselves, and we should not accept the judgment of others. However, nor are we able to validate the experiences of others, and we must not judge others. We do not need to rely upon another's judgement of our work to make our work valid. We do not need external validation of our work, or by implication and extension, ourselves.

Why do we retain fear of the judgement of others, even when we have no fear in respect of the judgement of God?


Judging Ourselves


By who's standards do we judge ourselves. Certainly not God's, because God does not judge us. We must trust God, and we must trust ourselves. God does not judge us, so why do we judge ourselves?

Even when we remember not to judge others, we often forget not to judge ourselves. We are very hard on ourselves, and very judgemental of our own actions. God does not judge us, so what right do we have to judge ourselves?

We are all masters. We need to accept that we are a master, which does not mean that we will simply decide that we are a master, because accepting that we are a master requires self assessment. There are none that are as hard on us, as ourselves. In many respects, it would be easier to obtain our 'degree' to become a master, if an external judge made the decision.

We attempt to judge ourselves as others would judge us, from the perspective of a single lifetime, but our existence is infinite, and a single lifetime is a temporary experience.

We have no character flaws, and neither does anyone else. We all have the character which we have chosen to experience what we have chosen to experience. Therefore nobody's character can be flawed.

We concern ourselves with the judgement of others, and we impose guilt upon ourselves in anticipation of the judgement of others.


Friends and Acceptance


There is another fear based motivation for lying which is related to the judgement issue, and that is acceptance. We feel that we need to justify our actions, or we will not be accepted by others, and often our justification is a lie. Justification can be a lie not only to others, but also to ourselves. The belief that we are not good enough is a product of the fear based society, and the belief that we are not good enough seems to have become built into our physical existence.

There is nothing more precious than a friend who is there for us today. A friend who accepts us, and does not judge us.

We must allow all to follow their chosen path, without interference or judgement.

Many of our love based values, are really fear based values disguised as love. Fear has overtaken our politics and our religion, but this is changing and will continue to change. If we look around us, we will see fear, and we will see through the disguise of fear. When we look around us, we will also see love, and we will see that the time of love has arrived. A time of acceptance without judgement.

Our true friends are our confidants, with whom we can share our thoughts, our experiences, our hopes, our dreams and our fears. At first we should confide tentatively, but over time we can relax, and we can become more open, without a fear of judgement.

It does not matter who we have loved, it does not matter who we have hurt, it does not matter what decisions we have made, or what the consequences of our actions may be. Our true friends do not judge, because they are our friend, and judgement has no place in friendship.

Our self judgement is the biggest barrier to our friendship, with ourselves.


The Judgement of God


The perspective of the earth plane is judgemental, and as a result we have created the perspective of God as judgemental. God is love. Love is not judgemental. God forgives sins. God is not judgemental. That only those who have found the perspective of love, can become one with God, is a fact not a judgement. It is our judgemental perspective which we must change, not only the perspective of judging others, but also the perspective of being concerned about the judgement of others.

God's desire is to all of us return, and take our place within the higher plane, which is pure love. God's desire is to have the pure love increased. God will assist and provide guidance to us if we ask, but God will not interfere. All must be experienced by each of us, or we have not truly experienced all.

When the Psalms were written, it was a time when it was believed that God was a God of wrath. Some who maintain the 'God of wrath' view today, have also accepted the Jesus was the saviour of mankind. Jesus spoke of a God of love. Those who choose may interpret the Psalms as a foretelling of wrath, but in reality the Psalms are a foretelling of love. All who look upon the Psalms with their hearts, and see the meaning beyond the words will see that the Psalms are a prediction of love not wrath. We can view the psalms from within the fear based society, or from within the love based society.

The choice which we have is to accept a God of wrath and a prediction of wrath, or to accept a God of love and the prediction of love. We can focus on the terms such as wrath and judgement, but why not focus on the words such as joy and salvation.

We should not lose sight of the fact that the Bible was written in a different time, with a different point of reference. Even when the New Testament was written, God was still the God of wrath, and not the God of love introduced by Jesus. The point of reference for those who wrote the Bible was a God of wrath. However, if we consider all that is within the Bible, viewing the God of wrath, as a God of love, the prophecy of the Bible will change dramatically.

At first it was believed that unless we obey all of God's rules, God would judge us and punish us. Thus it was determined that we must love God to avoid punishment, which is not love. In fact, some of us are being prosecuted for practicing this form of love. 'Love me or I will persecute and punish you.' Is this really what the God of pure love would say, or could say? Love is love, unconditional. True, unconditional, and pure love would not, could not, do harm to those who are loved. God loves us all in this way.

Why would a God of love, a God whose very essence is the love which binds all things together destroy the world in judgement? The day of reckoning, the day of judgement is a personal issue. There will not be a day on which God will judge the world. In fact, the day of judgement is not one day. The day of judgement is a day when each individual will look within for the truth. Each of us will choose our own day to look within for the truth, but each of us will choose a day to look within for the truth.

We have been told that doomsday, or the end of the world, is coming since before Jesus was born. When Jesus died, Jesus' disciples expected judgement day to come quickly. Time and time again since then we have been told about these signs or those signs, and the end of the world is upon us. Time and time again the prediction has proven baseless.


Would a God of love, a father who loves his children only love his children if they live by his rules, or would such a God love his children unconditionally? Would a God who is also a father sit in judgement of his children to determine if they were good enough to be his children?

Rules of existence and judgement represent the need for controls within the state, but rules of existence and judgement have become intertwined as a part of society. Rules and judgement are concepts of man. Rules and judgement are not concepts of God.

Jesus did not judge. Jesus will not return to earth and sit in judgement. If we choose to look at the words within the religion, we will know what words are Jesus' teaching and what was added by others for control. How could Jesus say that people should not be judged, and at the same time lay down rules which imply judgement?

Jesus did deliver a message, a message of love, a message that God is a God of love, and not a God of fear. Before Jesus, God was to be feared, sinners could not go to heaven and society was extremely judgemental. Jesus message was God is love, sinners can go to heaven, and do not judge.

Would a God who is perfect love punish those God loves for not bending to God's will? If so, God's love is not perfect, but God is God so God's love must be perfect. A view that a perfect God who loves us as God's children, would punish us for not bending to God's will, is not possible. This leaves us with two options, either God and God's love is not perfect and pure, or God will not punish us.

We do not need God's approval. God would not give us either God's approval, or God's disapproval. It is not God's place to approve or disapprove of anyone. Approval requires judgement and there is no judgement so there can be no approval. How can God approve if God does not judge?

God does not seek retribution, punishment and judgement. If God did seek retribution, punishment and judgement, God would certainly not need man to act on behalf of God.

If God wants us to love God, and God is perfect then God's love MUST be perfect. If God's love is perfect then God would not threaten us with judgement and eternal damnation. Threats are consistent with man trying to bend others to his will, but not consistent with God.

A loved base environment cannot be maintained by any means other than choice. A love based environment maintained by fear, is a fear based environment, not a love based environment. If a loved based environment were to be maintained by threats of judgment, wrath and hell, such an environment would be a fear based environment which is why God has no judgement and no wrath, and why there is no hell beyond what we choose to experience on the earth plane. Judgement, wrath and hell are not words of God, but inventions of man, often created as a result of a lack of understanding.


Right, Wrong and Sin


We do not need to be taught right from wrong, because right and wrong are subjective earth plane standards. There is no right and wrong as an artificial criteria for behaviour, which is artificially determined and applied to create judgement. We all, every one of us know what is right. When faced with a choice, when faced with an experience we know whether that experience is right. Often what is right, appears to be too difficult, or what is right is not what we want.

Right and wrong are concepts created by the artificial world which demands us to live up to other's expectations. The only true judge of right or wrong, is our instinct. Our instinct is focused on what is right for us, and what will make our path easier. Our instinct is unconcerned with right and wrong in the sense as right and wrong is determined, by the artificial world.

A sin is any act done with motivation other than pure love for all. Only we truly know our own motivation, so how can others judge us? If we commit a sin, we are only condemned for as long as we fail to learn the lesson which we have received.

Everything that we do is for a reason. We have created the concept of right and wrong because of our need for judgement, black or white. However, the concept of right and wrong is an illusion. Everything that we do, is what we are meant to do. We can change what we are meant to do, by changing what we do. If we are meant to do something so that we can learn, then we must learn.

Negative situations cannot touch us, unless we choose to be affected by negative situations. It is not a matter of suffering in silence. It is a matter of not suffering at all. If something happens it is only our judgement of what has happened that causes us to suffer. If we do not judge what occurs in our life, we will not suffer.

There is no right or wrong, only experience. We will not judge anyone when we know that there is no wrong, only experience. When we become enlightened, we understand that there is no right and wrong. If we, for example, make the choice not to smoke, we should not concern ourselves with those who choose to experience smoking.

There is no judgement and those who are attempting to remove choice through laws and legislation will not succeed. Those who are attempting to remove choice cannot succeed, because through choosing to attempt to remove choice from all, they have made a choice themselves and in so doing have already failed in their attempt.

There are no rules, no right way only experience. Everything that we all do is for experience, so everything that we all do, is meant to be. What is there to judge? We are all gaining experience, so we are all fulfilling our purpose. If our chosen experience is to judge, then our judgement is not wrong, our judgement is experience.

Judgement is not the consequence of crime. If we choose to commit a crime, we face the consequences, but consequence is not judgement. Judgement is applying standards to another who has committed no crime. Often, the standards which are applied are not the standards of those applying the standards.

There is no right and wrong from a judgemental point of view, but there is a right or wrong from our own point of view. Let's assume that we choose to do what is right by ourselves, and not what is wrong by ourselves. When faced with a situation, we determine by whatever level of awareness we are experiencing, what is right for us.

We cannot judge a person that we have never met, but if we say that all are sinners, we are judging those we have not met. If we are to follow the teachings of Jesus, we should not judge those whom we have met either.

Forgiveness, real forgiveness can only come from within, but we are reluctant to truly forgive ourselves for being human. However, being human is not something that we need to forgive ourselves for, being human is not a sin.


We Are Not Sinners


We are not desperately wicked. To say that we are born sinners does not even begin to make sense. Most people are basically good folk. We are not all sinners, and to assume that we are sinners is judgemental.

It is possible for a man not to sin. If a man lives with his wife and is in love with his wife, he does not necessarily lust after other women. Why would he, he is not interested. When we are in love we do not even notice other women. A who man works hard on his property and provides for himself and his wife can want for nothing. If this man prays to God everyday and he does not blaspheme, he does not steal and he does not kill. Where is his sin?

Jesus taught forgiveness, love and non judgement. Rules, and threats of fear are simply inconsistent with Jesus' teaching.

Who determines what a sin is? Jesus said do not judge others. Therefore, the only judge of our conduct, from a human point of view, is ourselves. Why are we automatically judged by many to be sinners.

We may break the law, and we may be judged to have broken the law, but even by breaking the law does not mean that we have sinned. Why is it so easy to automatically accept that we are sinners?


Sex and Sin


Sex is the great leveller, and sex is the issue which causes the most judgement.

Sex is experience, whether experienced positively or negatively, sex is no more than experience. A great many judgements are based around sex or the physical demonstration of love. Love is the constant. Love has no boundaries, love is the very essence of life, of all that is. This being so, the physical expression of love, or sex as it is known, is the great leveller. Regardless of circumstances, rich or poor, master or slave, it does not matter. Love and the physical expression of love cuts through all social and racial boundaries. Love and the physical expression of love cuts through all existence, human, animal, plant life.

Sex is subject to the greatest judgements. We all experience making judgements based on the experience of sex, and we all experience being judged based on the experience of sex.

Sin is a judgement and there is no judgement. Judgement is a concept of the earth plane and sex, or physical love, is a great leveller. The doctrine that we are all sinners is a progression of the fallacy that physical love is sin, and we were all born from sin. We were born through an act of love, which is not a coincidence, because when all illusion is stripped away, we are love.



  Karma is real, but Karma is not created by God. Karma is created by us. God is not judgmental, and God does not judge. Nor does God interfere. Our soul knows that we must relearn pure love. We must take what we have learned from the textbook, and put our theory into practice, although there is no textbook.

The reality is that judgement does not occur, and Karma is not a punishment that is inflicted, Karma is a perspective which is needed. Our soul desires to return to the higher plane, and our soul knows that to return to the higher plane, pure love must be learned from all perspectives. It is our desire for experience that creates Karma, not judgement.

Karmic 'debt' is circular, which reflects the true nature of existence. Karmic 'debt' is created to provide experience of each perspective.

God does not judge, God understands too much to judge. If God judged, God would defeat the purpose of experience. There is no judgement day. Either a soul has experienced pure love, or a soul has not experienced pure love, a fact, a reality, not a judgement.

A judgement is an opinion and implies degrees of experience to be assessed and judged. To have experienced pure love is a black and white area from our perspective. Either we have truly experienced pure love, or we have not truly experienced pure love. There are but two options.




Who amongst us, everyday people could become a master? We all can, but we not aware that we become a master, yet. Those in the religions tell us that we must follow a book of rules which are judgemental, and hypocritical, attend meetings of petty, self-important people each week, and listen to some preacher standing before us with a sermon which the preacher seldom truly understands.

Others will have us find God through fear of eternal damnation. 'God is love and if we do not find God's love, God will cast us into the flames of hell for eternity.' We can see why we fall over ourselves to find that particular brand of love.

The 'alternatives' to established religions are now surfacing under the collective misnomer of the 'new age'. Many of the 'new age alternatives' have encompassed the concept of effectively worshiping the body. We are told that we need to live a healthy, holier than thou lifestyle, only eat certain foods, and drink purified water and we must do this and do that. The 'new age alternatives' are beginning to parallel established religions with rules and judgements.

God is not an institution. God is love and love is available to us all. It is not the concept of God and love that has driven many away from religion. It is the application of love, or lack of the application of love, that is causing us to question.

Consider a soul who was a 'closet homosexual' living with his mother and attending church twenty five years ago. He was acceptable. After reincarnating he is again a homosexual who lives with his mother but has discarded his closet, so he is not acceptable to the church. His lifestyle is the same, he is the same. The difference is that he no longer lies about his lifestyle, so the church which caused him much guilt in his previous incarnation by telling him not to lie, now finds him unacceptable because he has followed their law not to lie. Imagine how confused that soul has now become.

He is a good man. Firstly he cannot go to heaven because he has lied and now he cannot go to heaven because he has told the truth. How would he ever get to heaven? By having his sins forgiven? However, his sin is not forgiven, because his sin is evil. Judged evil by those who follow the teachings of a man who expressly demonstrated with his first meeting with Mary that others should not be judged. How could that soul be anything other than confused?

When we read the Bible, we must consider the principles within the Bible. It is the principles within the Bible which are correct. When the rules within the Bible conflict with the principles within the Bible, we must look past the rules.

The differences between the principles within the Bible, and what has been added within the Bible is very distinct, and very apparent if we who choose to see.

Many who are on a spiritual path, judge the level of awareness of others. There is none that have the ability to judge the awareness of any, other than the God within. Many who advocate a spiritual path, and a movement towards a love based existence, are themselves very judgemental of others.

When Jesus came, God was to be feared, sins were paid for by sacrifice, or payment to the church, and the priests judged people, often based on how much they paid. Did Jesus want to be worshiped and become a religion, similar to the religion which Jesus openly criticised? Or did Jesus, a humble teacher, come to deliver a message. Did others then turn Jesus' message into a religion, persecuting those outside the religion, forgetting that Jesus embraced all regardless of their beliefs.

That we travel the easy path does not mean that we are spiritually advanced, and that we travel the difficult path does not mean that we are not spiritually advanced. Such judgements are illusions. We travel the path which we need to travel, and choose to travel. A spiritually aware soul will choose to travel the difficult path, when the difficult path is necessary.

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