I saw a very important and very great man the other day. What made this man great wasn't the car he was driving. He had a beat up old pick up truck. What made this man great wasn't the clothes he was wearing. He had on a torn tee shirt and blue jeans. What made this man great wasn't his money or his job. His worn out work boots and the hard hat in his truck were evidence that he worked hard for what little he had. What made this man great and important in my eyes was that he had stopped along the side of the road to give an old lady with a stalled car a jump start. |
Our society has a way of seeing everything backwards. It thinks the nice car and house make us important. It thinks the expensive clothes and high paying job make us great. These things may make our life a bit more comfortable, but they do nothing to improve who we are. We are great and important from what we think, feel, and do. |
It is our choices in these areas that determine who we are and what we will become. And the greatest choice we can make is to love and serve others. Serving others is the true sign of strength, character, and goodness that lie in a person. It is the very best among us who love the most, give the most, and help others the most. |
Remember then to serve and help others all that you can. Remember to choose love and joy and to share that love and joy with everyone everywhere. God wants us to love each other, help each other, and care for each other in this life. Jesus said that what we do for the least among us is what we do for Him. Whether it is writing to a sick friend, visiting an elderly person in a nursing home, or stopping to help a stranded motorist know that it is by helping others that you also help yourself and God. | ||
Joseph J. Mazzella |