Joseph J. Mazzella

People always love to talk about yesterdays and people always love to dream about tomorrow ,but the truth is that life can only be lived today. Yesterdays can give us wonderful memories and tomorrow can give us great hopes, but today is where we are. Today is where we live.

Today is where we are happy or unhappy, loving or selfish, and joyous or miserable. That is why I always like to give myself a special gift at the beginning of each 'Today'. That special present is the gift of joy. I know that if I can give myself that gift today then today is going to be great no matter what troubles I may face, problems I may confront, or pain I may have to go through.


I always begin each 'Today' then by thanking God for my life, by inviting God into my heart and soul, by telling God just how much I love Him, and by asking God to fill me with His love and joy so that I can share it with the world.

I also make the commitment to choose all the love and joy I possibly can and then share it with everyone everywhere no matter what I receive in return. I know that if I can do this then I will have given myself the gift of joy for 'Today'. I know that if I can do this then I will be able to share that gift with others too.


Give yourself that gift of joy today. Allow God to give you His love and joy too. Share these gifts with the world as well. Will it make today perfect? No it will not, but it will make you better, happier, more loving, stronger, more joyous, and more at one with God who loves you today and for all eternity.


Today truly is the only day that you have. Why not make it the best, most wonderful, most glorious 'Today' that you possibly can? Why not live it with all the love in your heart and joy in your soul? Why not make your entire life a gift of joy starting 'Today'?

  Joseph J. Mazzella
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