Adaptation of…
Angel Shadow
Presented by…
Sacred Circle

Remaining Spiritual….In A 3Dimensional World


For many individuals, the spiritual quest is accompanied by the necessity of remaining grounded in a 3-dimensional reality.

Learning where to draw the line between being spiritual and dwelling on the negatives of our world is a complex issue. We have to address all sides of the equation and the beliefs and values they represent. Unfortunately, this brings about segregation in our society and creates an 'us against them' attitude.

Battle lines are drawn and sides are chosen. 3-dimensional illusions are played against spiritual ideals. You are either with us or against us. So how do we remain focused on our soul evolution and stay true to our spiritual goals?


The key lies within each individual.

Society has been segregated into comfort zone boxes. Neatly tucked within these boxes are individuals who play the 3-dimensional game with pride because they are comfortable with who they are. Their direction is focused and their path is clear. They know exactly where they're going, 'Thank you very much,' and do not require outside assistance.

However, they refuse to see the walls that limit their vision. The illusionary walls that keep them safe and protected are the very walls that breed judgment and fear. Knocking down these walls takes an act of courage and acceptance. For once the walls come down, we are left standing naked before each other.


Imperfections are shown. Fears are out in the open and anxiety levels are high. It is at this point, we need to recognize the soul, the divine God-Spark, that lies within us all, instead of relying on the physical, 3-dimensional illusions we see standing before us.

To recognize the God-Spark within another individual requires compassion and acceptance. Not just of the physical person we see standing before us, but the soul of the individual that resides inside the physical shell. It takes personal self confidence to see the true person in the individuals we encounter. When we are comfortable with our own self-worth, it's easier to bring out the best in others. But the question of, 'What if the person refuses to acknowledge their own shadow' looms.

How do we handle individuals who refuse to accept they are less than perfect? First, it's not our responsibility to determine what is perfect for them and their individual soul growth. At some point, we have the right to withdraw and leave them to their lessons.


The key is to walk away with compassion, not anger.

Understanding, not judgment and love, not fear. We have a tendency to become wrapped up in their emotional drama and define our role and the character we want to play based on the circumstances we find ourselves in. We have to understand we will not be able to control another individual or the decisions they make.

Our point of power lies in our emotional responses. We need to reprogram ourselves to detach and observe, not remain in the middle, controlling the outcome based on what we think is best.


Releasing control and allowing another to grow on their own level shows maturity and personal growth. It's letting go of ego based issues that define the walls of segregation.

When we release control and ego based issues, we will create distance with certain individuals. As painful as this may be for some, it's a vital step in the process of defining who we are and better yet, who we are becoming. The goodbyes can be as emotional or controlled as we allow them to be.

If we walk away with love, compassion and understanding, there is no reason to be emotionally overwhelmed. It's when we become emotional, based on 3-dimensional illusions, that the departure becomes difficult. The emotional reaction is what keeps us chained to the situation, not the individuals involved.

  Once we decide to take this step, the individual may create additional emotional dramas to hold you to the situation. At this point, we have reached a crossroads and only we can determine how much power we will give the situation.

It's alright to walk away and leave them standing with a mirror in their hand, as long as it's done with compassion and understanding in our hearts. Saying goodbye to the familiar may be a painful and scary experience, but if we remain grounded we will move past this transition with as little emotional drama as possible.

Understand that ending situations that are no longer necessary in our lives is vital to our individual growth. It's part of what we came here to do. We are the writers, directors and casting agents of our life screenplay so we decide the starring roles, as well as the smaller, supporting ones.


Emotional outbursts do not occur in our lives without our approval and once we recognize this, we can accept responsibility for healing ourselves. Healing must begin on individual levels and expand from there. When we heal our own personal issues, we have more to offer the individuals we come into contact with.

Healing ourselves as individuals leads to the healing of humanity. In order to heal ourselves, we must look deep within our own hearts and confront the shadows that lie there. What are we so afraid of? When we take a good long look in the mirror, we will see aspects of ourselves that need attention.

At this point, we encounter a crossroads, for we either accept, acknowledge and heal those shadows or we push them aside once again. When we push them aside, we are not accepting responsibility for our actions. Every aspect of our personality has been set in place by the circumstances we have encountered and more importantly, our emotional responses to them.


Once we move past the emotional drama and into the heart of the matter, we will find we are exactly where we chose to be. Accepting this takes courage and maturity. It's easier to blame someone else for our own shortcomings because this takes the responsibility off us. Personal healing takes place within our own hearts first and it's a long, lonely journey.

Other individuals may try to assist, but it all comes down to our own ability to see ourselves as we truly are and heal from there. Soul searching is a personal issue that everyone must confront eventually and it will be as gentle or intense as we want it to be.

The more we fight the process, the more painful our search within will be. We have to be able to look at ourselves honestly and realize it's alright to dislike the actions of the person we see in the mirror. We have been programmed to view our faults as negative things. We have to be perfect and our world has to be flawless.


We are taught not to dwell on the shadow aspects of our personalities, because that is labelled as negative self-talk and damages our self-esteem. But what if we changed our opinion of this? What if we view our shadows as a missing part of the whole?

A piece of the puzzle that is required. An aspect of our own self-created world that requires healing. Once our opinion is altered, we realize that healing the dark shadows is the key.

Negative self-talk does not have to play a role, for we can accept responsibility and nurture the areas that require healing. Our self-esteem will not suffer when our shadows are approached with love and compassion. Soul searching and shadow work are vital in today's world.

  We are incarnated on this planet, at this time, for many reasons. Each individual purpose is personal and unique but still effects the whole. We bring our own individual gifts to humanity for experimentation and each is a piece of the puzzle that needs to be placed for the whole picture to become complete.

We can no longer view ourselves as separate from one another. While there are different levels of soul evolution, we are all a part of the one God-Spark and each individual needs to play the role assigned to them. On a physical, 3-dimensional level, we appear to be separate from certain energy groups, however, when viewed from a detached, higher level, we see the oneness of all.

Walking away and allowing certain energy groups to fulfil their soul contract is part of the process. It becomes an individual attachment when we hold resentment and anger toward a situation. In order for positive change to occur in our world, we need to allow certain dramas to unfold.


Our power lies in releasing the drama that is not part of our plan. We must allow the soul's that have come here to learn from certain experiences, the opportunity to grow and extend themselves in a positive way.

Part of learning to extend ourselves in a positive manner is paying attention to our thoughts. Our thoughts are energy that extend to others around us. It is then expanded through them to the individuals in their circle. Long after we have forgotten about a particular thought, it is still alive and well, circulating through others and effecting them on a subconscious level. Eventually, this energy is returned to us.

By paying attention to the thoughts we send out, we start to recognize why we have the experiences we do. For example, if we live our lives in victim mode, we will continually feel like a victim. If we see chaos in everything around us, we invite more chaos. If we continually pass judgment on others, eventually we find ourselves in a situation where we are being judged.


We receive what we send out and it's important that we live our lives according to what we truly want and that we treat others the way we truly want to be treated. By living positively in every moment, we project the energy necessary to move us toward a positive outcome.

One way to project positive change in our lives is to become the change we want to see. If we view a shadow part of ourselves in another individual and accept it as our own, we then have the power to move forward. By changing our own attitude, we become the change we want to see in others.

This brings more positive change into our lives and instead of judging, we project the change from ourselves. This extends to the other individual, who absorbs it on a subconscious level. So when we set an example of positive projection, the ripple effect will eventually return it to us, bringing the people and situations we need into our lives.


We all recognize the old saying, 'Be careful what you wish for.' This is true on a conscious level as well as a subconscious one. Our subconscious carries years of programming we may not be aware of and it's in our own judgments and fears, as well as our positive traits, that bring about our wishes. But we don't recognize them as 'wishes' when they feel negative.

We do not accept responsibility when something bad occurs in our lives because we cannot fathom the idea of inviting our own chaos. By accepting responsibility for our thoughts and actions, on conscious and subconscious levels, we recognize how our programming dictates what we do.

The trick is fully moving it to the conscious level where we have the power to control how it's projected. Once we control the projection of our individual energy, we understand how we are lead to what we wish for.

  This is where we become the creators of our destiny. It is in this moment, we see what changes we need to make in ourselves. It all begins with the individual and the examples we set.

So, we have overcome our subconscious programming and are on our way to bringing positive changes into our lives. We have more self-confidence and this leads to conscious choices that move us in the direction we want to go.

We are now free thinkers with the ability to set positive examples that keep us grounded in our physical reality and we no longer rely on past programming to pull us back to the places we have outgrown.


We must fight the urge to allow old habits and patterns to re-emerge. Being a free thinker moves us into a level of reality where anything is possible. We are no longer bound by repressive thoughts and feelings of inadequacy. Building our self-worth brings changes on numerous levels and we discover our true mission. Our reason for existence.

The purpose of our soul's growth is to evolve and co-create a reality where all are one. Specific religious beliefs that repress and project fear and judgment only add to the issues of segregation in our world.

Spirituality should be viewed as a puzzle. A puzzle whose pieces are made up of every individual, regardless of colour, size, belief system or status. When we allow judgments to alienate individuals, we accept and allow the process to continue.

  The situations we find ourselves in are of our own making and until we accept responsibility for our actions, we will continue to be segregated from the individuals who carry the same spark of life as we do.

It's time to look past the physical appearances and accept the soul that is housed within the shell. The changes taking place in our 3-dimensional world sometimes make it difficult to remain spiritual and grounded.

We live in a time of forced soul searching and shadow work and it's our responsibility to co-create the future of our world. Knocking down the walls that keep humanity segregated is an important process.


Accepting others on a soul level and allowing them to complete their lessons, will eventually bring all individuals together as a whole. Recognizing the soul within helps us maintain focus and reminds us of the individual mission of each soul.

It keeps our connection to the spirit in healthy balance and our soul on it's evolutionary path. Everyday, our world moves closer to the perfection we seek, but we must allow the process to complete itself.

When we remain spiritually balanced, we see the process for what it is. We recognize where changes need to take place and we make decisions that support that goal.


Humanity is awakening from it's slumber and learning from the lessons of the past. We are beginning to see the connection between the conscious and subconscious mind and how they create our world.

It begins with each soul and expands from there. Casting light that will change our individual at a time.

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