
By Baba Kundi Ma'at Shambhala


The Love and Light of Spirit Will Always Shine Bright Within Our Spirit. Sometimes I feel like Mr. Rogers. You know what I mean. "It's A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood......"

I cannot and do not want to stop talking about how good life is, and how blessed all of us are. We get enough gloom and doom from the news on television, radio, and also from some religious organizations.

I am glad to be able to share some of the positive. I am happy to be alive and aware of who I am, and who's I am. I Am Love, I Am One With Love, and I Belong To Love. Who and what is Love? Goddess/God is Love.

Look Into Your Spirit, All You Will See Is Love.


All of us are intuitive. However, the development of the intuition depends on the individual.

Since starting down the Path of Love and Light my awareness and development of my intuition has been rising. But sometimes I do not follow it wholeheartedly as I should. You know how we doubt ourselves sometimes. Daily I am learning how to listen to and follow my intuition, and it is changing my life in a very positive way.

Some people do not believe in intuition because they say it is fortune-telling, and no man can know and/or tell the future. I know that intuition is a part of our Spiritual reality. I also know that no man knows the complete future.


Even though we are one with Goddess/God, we are not Goddess/God and we do not have access to the entire future of the world, ourselves, or anyone else. We many be given small glimpses of things that may possibly happen, but we are never given the complete picture of the future.

Human beings are far from being all-knowing. Goddess/God is the only one who is Omniscient.

I have been becoming more aware of my intuition over the past few years. Most of the time I am pretty accurate if I take the time to hear what is being gifted to me within my Spirit.


It helps a great deal when I commune with Spirit daily as I should (Pray and Meditate). When I commune with Spirit I get charged up Spiritually and that enhances all of the gifts and abilities that Spirit has bestowed upon me, intuition being one of them.

I now work for a national home improvement franchise. The house we are working on at this time is going through some major improvements. Because of that there are three of us work on this one job. The local owner of the franchise decided to hire another man and put him on the job with us. The new man was supposed to be a Master Carpenter as well as a very good painter. I was made the lead contractor a few weeks ago so I assign and check all work done.

Yesterday I was expecting the arrival of the new carpenter, he was to meet me at the job site at 9:00 am. However, he did no arrive until a little after 11:00. When I first saw him my intuition signalled trouble.


As I do sometimes I tried to shrug it off as being paranoid, but the feeling only got stronger and more detailed. I heard this within my Spirit. He is a drug user. Then when he started to talk my intuition got even stronger.

I asked him if he was a carpenter and he said yes. So I took him to the porch where we had installed some tongue and groove wood panelling where we had also sanded down some of the existing wood work. I gave him the job of doing the final sanding so we could stain all of the wood work. That was a job any carpenter could do just about with his or her eyes closed.

I then asked him; "Can you do this job?"

He said "yes" so I put him to work.


I was still dealing with my intuition and starting to except what it was telling me. Now I had to figure out what I was to do about it. I thought about calling the office and telling them what I was feeling. But I hesitated because I did not know how they would receive what I had to say.

After a few minutes of pondering the situation I picked up my cell phone and called the office and told them. They were receptive and thanked me for letting them know. They asked me to keep an eye on him and we would talk about it later.

I had to go get some supplies so I hurried up and ran that errand. When I was pulling up to the work site I noticed that the new man's truck was gone. He got to the work site after 11:00 and it was around 12:45 when I got back so I could not figure out what was going on.


When I went into the house I was told by one of the other workers that he said he was going to lunch and he would be back in about 15 minutes, he left to do that right after I left to go get the supplies.

Before doing anything else my intuition told me that the work I had him doing was not done properly. So I went to check it. I was shocked when I saw what he had done, he had almost completely destroyed the wood work he was sanding.

I had never seen such a bad sanding job. I almost could not believe my eyes. I guess some would say that was a typical Friday 13th? Nope. Friday 13th is always a good day for me. Matter of fact every day is a good day for me.


After I had been back 35 to 40 minutes he called the office and told them that he was going to lunch and he would be back in one hour. They called me to let me know and I informed them what was going on. He came back around 2:00 and said he had some problems with his truck and almost did not make it back to work. I had him call the office and they let him go.

I felt for him because I saw myself when I was lost like he is. I was addicted to drugs for ten long and very hard years, from 1969 to 1979.

My heart goes out to him in Love and compassion. I am sending him the Divine supportive energies of Love and Light because I know that he is miserable and suffering. That experience was a reminder of how blessed I am.


It was also a reminder that in this Beauty-Full world there are many people who are suffering and need the help of those of us who are seeing things as they truly are.

I must be open to see things as they are and at least bathe the people and situations that are brought to my attention with the Divine energy of Love and Light. That can and must always be done. I can even be done even long distant if need be.

I Open Up To The Gift Of Intuition That Spirit Has Blessed Me With. Intuition Is A Gift That I Must Use To Help Myself and Also my Sisters and Brothers.


Copyright © 2004 All rights reserved This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as long as it is shared in it’s entirety, nothing can be added and nothing changed. Also, proper credit must be given to Spirit.

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