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The following discussion is in question and answer format.
Questioner: I’ve
been on a conscious path for many years. Every area of my life has improved
with the exception of finances. It seems the techniques that work for
other things fail to work when it comes to prosperity. Leah, why am
I having so much trouble?
Leah: I love these questions.
I’ll bet there are a lot of people asking the same question as
we speak.
There are a few subtle concepts that I think will help
tremendously here. Beloved one, I will not repeat what others have said
and I will not tread on the same tired ground you’ve come to know
in your metaphysical journeys. That said, let’s begin with something
that will at first appear circumstantial but will later fall into place.
I’m going to mention the difference between expectation and expectancy. |
Let’s not be concerned regarding what Mr. Webster
has to say regarding these words. We will refine our definitions as
follows: Expectation is when the ego takes a desired outcome, puts it
in a box, and then bases its happiness on achieving the desired outcome.
Having expectations sets one up for disappointment.
As the channel has so eloquently written in his book,
‘Life On the Cutting Edge’ there is a vicious cycle of expectation-attachment-disappointment,
because no matter how hard to ego tries to create like God, it always
falls short. We expect certain results, we become attached to certain
results and we become disappointed when those results do not materialize.
I say ‘we’ as a courtesy because from my vantage
point, all is God and there is no such dynamic in the sixth density.
So I feel qualified as your loving guide to point out the pitfalls in
this approach. This is the closest thing to an ego you can expect from
dear Leah.
Expectancy, on the other hand, means an inner knowing
that by following universal principles there is a certain progression
of creative results the follow. It appears we are splitting straws,
but there is a vast difference, because expectancy, as used here, is
a function of Spirit and not of ego. |
We expect that as we enter the flow of higher-dimensional
consciousness, there will be certain outcomes based on the laws of creativity.
We are not emotionally attached to these outcomes, and our happiness
does not depend on them, but we know we are co-creators with God and
we live our lives as co-creators.
In order to create abundantly and manifest easily in
the physical realm, it is necessary to enter a critical shift in the
subconscious mind. In other words, the subconscious mind of an individual
soul must have a positive momentum of creative and life-affirming thoughts
to counter balance the negativity taken on as a result of incarnation
into the 3rd dimension.
Many souls think that all they need to do is say enough
affirmations and eventually that balance point will be reached. This
is an arduous task because you, beloveds, are multidimensional and very
little can be solved strictly at the mental level.
You must be passionate about what you want to create,
but at the same time, unattached emotionally to the results. This is
why I spent time above on expectation and expectancy. Expectancy is
based on the inner knowing that we are created in an abundant universe.
It involves the feeling and experiencing of that abundance on many levels
of being simultaneously. |
So the most powerful step in the process of realizing
your abundance is knowing that you can step into the 'flow of abundance',
much like stepping into a moving river.
"How do I do this, Leah?" I can hear you asking.
That brings me to the next step. In your meditations,
it is important to consciously visualize yourself in this flow. Think
back to a time when you felt safe and protected, when everything seemed
to be flowing. You can do it; I know there's been a time.
Now re-experience that feeling in your body. At the same
time, go into your inner-most chamber of mind and imagine, for now,
that you have everything you could possibly need. |
The truth is, you do have
everything you need, right now, right here. What does that feel like?
Go ahead and pretend, if that's what you think you are doing. You're
not pretending, but it may feel like it because you are not used to
simply being in the flow of abundance.
In truth, it is impossible not to be in the flow of
abundance because that is where God placed you forever and ever. But
you can certainly imagine you are not in the flow, and your life will
reflect what you imagine to be truth.
Go ahead now and imagine you have more abundance than
you can possibly use, in this lifetime or any other. Imagining is how
you create, beloveds. You were given an imagination, or 'image-making
faculty' for that express purpose.
You were created in the image and likeness of God, and
God imagined everything into existence. Now you are learning to create
like God, for that is your inheritance. |
"All that the Father has is yours" is not mere idle speculation.
It is the truth of your being, dear ones.
Today, with my humble help and the help of the channel,
you are going to reclaim the ability to create like God. Put away your
ego, precious ones, and step up to your rightful place in Creation.
You deserve to have the power of creation. You will not
misuse your power this time. Corruption is long gone from your consciousness.
You would not be listening to my voice or reading these words if corruption
were still an option for you.
No, this time the purity of your eternal innocence shines
through the ego's thin veil of ignorance. Today abundance is your reality.
All levels and dimensions of your being are becoming aligned to your
natural state of abundance. |
Any specific messages, instructions or actions necessary
to increase your worldly abundance will be communicated to you by your
own God Presence.
All you need to is listen and gratefully follow through
with the guidance you receive. Ask sincerely that today will be the
day you will follow Spirit 'without hesitation' as some teachers have
put it. If doubt tries to creep in, put it aside and reaffirm that today
only the voice of Spirit will be your guide.
I am here to gently guide you as you awaken the creative
potential within you. I am here as you put aside the last of the thoughts,
feelings and beliefs in scarcity, lack and limitation. I am here as
you claim your place in the cosmic symphony of life and joyfully begin
creating as you were meant to create. I am humbled to be in your presence,
dear ones.
I am Leah from 6th density Venus.
I am your humble servant in the Light of the Radiant One. |