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2.1 If all else fails, we must trust our instinct. This is probably the most important lesson that we can learn.

2.2 Trusting our instinct does not mean that we will not hurt, we will. Trusting our instinct does not mean that we will not do things which we are not proud of, we will. Trusting our instinct does not mean that life will always seem fair, life won’t. Trusting our instinct gives us the confidence to know that we can meet all of the challenges which lie ahead. Trusting our instinct allows us to accept what life offers us. Trusting our instinct means that we will become a stronger person. Trusting our instinct means that we will be ready for each phase of our life.

2.3 We will always have our challenges. We will always have our problems to overcome. We will be hurt. We will do things which we are ashamed of. Life will sometimes seem unfair. This is part of the human condition. This is part of the living and growing process. We must overcome our challenges, we must grieve our hurt, and we must accept our mistakes. We must face life and life’s difficulties eye to eye. We must deal with every situation that we find ourselves in, we must learn from each situation that we experience, and then we must let the experience go. This will enable us to be recharged and ready for what lies around the corner. This is the difference between, being able to say I was strong and I am strong.

2.4 It is better to have a relationship which works, but does not last than to have a relationship that lasts, but does not work.

2.5 We cannot teach anybody anything. All that we can do is create an environment in which somebody can learn.

2.6 We cannot expect to recover from a hurt, until we are ready to recover from the hurt. However, if we hang on to a hurt when we should let the hurt go, we may miss the opportunity of a lifetime. This is a lesson in itself, albeit an expensive lesson. es.

2.7 There are times when we really want to sleep, times when we know that we need to sleep but, for some reason we cannot sleep. The harder that we try to force ourselves to sleep, the harder it is for us to sleep. Destiny is a lot like sleep. We know that we have a destiny, but our destiny cannot be fulfilled quickly enough. The harder we try to force our destiny, the less likely our destiny is to become our reality. Just as a warm cup of milk will help us sleep, our instinct will help our destiny be fulfilled. Like sleep we have to allow destiny to happen, and like sleep destiny can only be avoided for so long.

2.8 We should keep a journal, not a diary of day to day events, but a journal of our soul. In our journal we should put the quotes that reach us and our strong thoughts and emotions both positive and negative. In fact, anything which is significant to us at the time. We must review our journal from time to time. We must understand how we dealt with whatever we faced, we must review the lessons which we learned, and we must learn new lessons with the clarity of hindsight. We will also be able to see what actions work for us, and what actions do not work for us. Reviewing our journal will hone our instinct and confirm our belief in ourselves.

2.9 One method which we use to avoid facing a particular demon is to deny the demon’s existence. All this does is strengthen the demon and make the demon more difficult to fight when the fight can no longer be avoided. All of our demons must be faced sooner or later. The sooner that we do face our demons, the easier it will be to face our demons.

2.10 When we have done everything that our instinct has told us to do, and our instinct tells us to wait. There is nothing that we can do, but wait. Although the waiting is not easy.

2.11 When we know ourselves. When we are comfortable with our own company. There are still times when we need the company of others. There are still times when we will feel lonely. The difference is that we do not feel alone. This means that we do not do all of the negative things which we used to do to avoid feeling alone. They did not really work anyway.

2.12 Sometimes we try to avoid going somewhere, or we try to avoid doing something because it reminds us of a hurt. This avoidance is another way in which we hang on to our baggage. When we face the situation, it will still hurt and we will still re-live the cause of the hurt, but we have to face the situation. We have to deal with the situation before we can let the situation go.

2.13 There are two things which we must do for our children. We must love our children and we must believe in our children. Loving and believing in our children is not enough. Our children must see and feel, our love and belief. These are the two keys to our children liking themselves and believing in themselves. This will allow our children to face life from a position of strength, and not waste half of their lives looking for the acceptance and self belief which they were entitled to receive from us.

2.14 Sometimes, we need a friend with a different perspective.

2.15 Facing reality can be the hardest thing in the world to do, but reality must be faced.

2.16 We cannot fight someone else’s demons for them. We can give others our support and encouragement, but the battle with our demons is a battle which we must fight alone.

2.17 When we trust our instinct and are not swayed by our thoughts, by our fears, or by our temporary needs, we feel that our life is out of our control. This can really scare us but, trusting our instinct should not scare us. Trusting our instinct means that our life is being guided by our subconscious, rather than our conscious. Our subconscious is much more powerful, much stronger, and much wiser than our conscious.

2.18 We do not have to prove anything to anybody, not even ourselves. We just have to live it, that is proof enough.

2.19 From time to time we should review the things which we do. There are two main reasons why we do things. One is responsibility this cannot and should not be avoided. The other is enjoyment. The problem is that what we start doing for enjoyment can become a habit. When this occurs we lose the enjoyment value of what we do. If we find that something has become a habit, we should break the habit and only do what we enjoy doing, when we really want to do what we enjoy doing. This will not only put the enjoyment back into what we do, but it will give us time to do other things. We will then experience a greater variety of things that we enjoy doing, which can be stimulating and prevent us from falling into a rut.

2.20 Even when we have dealt with our pain, when we have accepted that someone is no longer in our life, and when we have accepted that someone is not returning to our life. Even though we know that not having that person in our life is not the end of our world, that our life will go on regardless, and that somebody new will enter our life when we need them. We can still miss the person who is no longer in our life.

2.21 Sometimes, all we need to do is have a good cry. Our tears will cleanse our soul.

2.22 Often when we are having some problem we are given a sign, an indication, or a message which will let us see the answer clearly. The message is usually delivered in a surprising way. The message can be found in a book, a movie, or a junk TV show. In fact, it really is strange where we find a message which reaches us.

We are guided to the answers we need by our subconscious. How many times have we had a problem, and for reasons which we cannot explain, we have done something different? Such as watched a junk TV show without really being interested in the show, watched a movie which we were not really interested in, or picked up a book which would normally have no interest for us? Only to find a line, a quote, or anything, often out of context with the movie or book. Usually something small or insignificant which gets through to us and we think ‘that’s right’.

2.23 Sometimes, we just have to be selfish.

2.24 When we reach a really low point we will sometimes receive an unexpected phone call or visit completely out of ‘left field’ which is often all that we need, to put ourselves back on track. Do we really think that this is coincidence?

2.25 If we have nothing else, we have the capacity to learn from our mistakes.

2.26 Even when we know how to pick ourselves up, it is sometimes hard to pick ourselves up, especially when we have had a few too many knocks. We will get so low that we do not do, what we know we should do. Sometimes, we need to wallow. However, we must not despair. When we have had enough wallowing we will pick ourselves up, and wallowing allows us to really feel our pain which underlines the lesson.

2.27 When we are able to stop our negative imagination even when we are at a low point, it is a real accomplishment.

2.28 We must not cling tightly, or let go easily. We need to hold on loosely.

2.29 When it is time to move on we must let go of the past completely, and confidently take the next step.

2.30 Each of us has lessons to learn. When we reflect on the lessons which we have been given throughout our lifetime, we will see a recurring theme. This recurring theme our main lesson in life. When we have learned this lesson, we will start earning our reward and our life will become easier.

2.31 We will know why when we are ready to know why, and not before.

2.32 We cannot force our destiny. We can know what our destiny is, but we still have to follow the signs along our path. We have to follow our path with all of its obstacles, and associated lessons if we are to reach our destiny. There are no short cuts.

2.33 Living with our soul instead of with our mind, our emotions, or our imagination is extremely difficult. Living with our soul is also extremely rewarding.

2.34 The difficulty in following the sign posts on our life’s journey is that the sign posts show us where to go, but not how far we have to travel, or what we will encounter on the way.

2.35 We must fight today’s battles today. We cannot fight tomorrow’s battles until tomorrow.

2.36 Re-fighting yesterday’s battles takes our energy away from today’s battles. We cannot re-fight yesterday’s battles regardless of whether we were right or wrong. All we are doing when we attempt to re-fight yesterday’s battles, is making today’s battles more difficult.

2.37 When we believe in ourselves for a while, but start slipping back into negative habits, it is because we are starting to doubt ourselves. We must believe in ourselves and we must trust our instinct all of the time, not part of the time. Believing in ourselves is a full time job.

2.38 When our instinct has given us the answer we must stride forward with confidence. There is no point looking for an answer which we already have, and there is no point trying to change the answer which our instinct has given us.

2.39 Problems created by our imagination cannot be solved.

2.40 Once we have considered all probable outcomes to a given situation, we must remove the given situation from our mind. Our subconscious, guided by our instinct, and the lessons which we have learned in our life time, will ensure that we have the right answer when the answer is needed.

2.41 Our instinct is like a sword to fight battles with. All of the battles in our lifetime have forged our sword, and yet we will sometimes have difficulties because of the rough edges. To really start living with our soul, we must hone the blade and smooth the rough edges of our instinct.

2.42 When we are travelling on a different path than most other people they will question our sanity, and so will we.

2.43 When we live with our soul instead of with our mind, those who live with their mind will not understand us. They will laugh at us, they will talk behind our back, and they will question our sanity, but we will know that what others think does not matter.

2.44 We cannot rationalise our instinct, but we can go crazy trying.

2.45 Our hardest battle must be fought alone.

2.46 Belief in ourselves cannot be forced. We either believe in ourselves, or we do not believe in ourselves.

2.47 Sometimes fate’s cruellest blows are the kindest.

2.48 Knowing something to be true, and accepting the truth are very far removed.

2.49 We must follow our path wherever our path leads. We cannot take a short cut, no matter how inviting. If we attempt to take a short cut, we will stumble.

2.50 We must always keep our eyes on our path whilst we are following our path. It is all right to look ahead to see where we are going, and it is all right to look behind to see where we have been, but we must stop our journey whilst we do so.

2.51 Our natural path is steep and winding. Our natural path is the best way to travel. Our natural path avoids the major obstacles which an apparently more direct route would encounter. Sometimes our path will seem to lead away from our destination, but this is only because it is an easier route.

2.52 Destiny is destiny. One way or another we will fulfil our destiny. If not in this lifetime, we will have to repeat this lifetime before we can move on to a higher plane.

2.53 We will only see what we are ready to see, when we are ready to see it.

2.54 The sword that is our instinct is only drawn when our soul needs protection.

2.55 We must maintain balance in our life.

2.56 The only way to reach our destination is to follow our path. We cannot magically get from where we are to the end of our journey. We have to keep following our path in the sure knowledge that we will reach our destination, but only after we have followed our path all of the way to our destination.

2.57 If we are unsure how to proceed in a certain situation, we can let fate make the decision for us, but if we let fate make the decision for us, we must accept fate’s decision.

2.58 If we are trying to live tomorrow, we cannot see what is happening today.

2.59 When our path is easy for a while we must remain alert. When our path is easy there are hidden obstacles, and unseen dangers. When our path is difficult we are looking for the obstacles and dangers, so the obstacles and dangers are easier to see.

2.60 Life can cripple our soul. The muscles of our soul can waste away through neglect or mistreatment. When life has crippled our soul, our soul needs to learn how to walk straight and tall again.

2.61 Sometimes all that we are afraid of, is our own shadow.

2.62 There is only one person who we can rely on for our self image. That person is ourself.

2.63 We must not worry about how we feel. We must simply feel.

2.64 We must focus on what we are doing now. This will ensure that we do whatever we are doing right, and that we receive maximum benefit from what we are doing. It is good to let our mind wander, but we should let our mind wander when letting our mind wander is all that we are doing, not when we are doing something else.

2.65 Our inner knowledge is the step beyond our belief.

2.66 We cannot hide from life, either physically or mentally. Life must be faced. What we avoid facing today, we will need to face tomorrow.

2.67 Putting ourselves in a position where we are likely to be hurt is punishing ourselves unnecessarily. Avoiding hurt is not avoiding reality, avoiding hurt is accepting reality. Nor can we allow someone else to put us in a position where are we likely to be hurt. To do so is to compromise ourselves for somebody else and nobody is worth the price of compromising ourselves.

2.68 Self protection is not being selfish. Self protection is necessary for our survival.

2.69 When we have a problem we should consider what our advice to a friend with a similar problem would be. We must give ourselves the same advice. Although we will find it harder to accept our advice, than our friend would.

2.70 A course of action may be necessary for our own good. This does not mean that we will like the course of action, it means that the course of action is necessary.

2.71 The circumstances which we find ourselves in are not relevant. How we deal with our circumstances is all that matters. Whether we have learned what we need to learn, and deal with the circumstances in the best way for ourselves, or whether we have to be given another lesson, is all that is important.

2.72 When we think that we have identified our problem, but we are still feeling down, we have not found our real problem.

2.73 We cannot change anybody, but anybody can change themselves. We have to let go of our negatives to fulfil our potential. We have to change ourselves, because we want to change ourselves. We cannot possibly change ourselves for any other reason, and we cannot change anybody else.

2.74 Our choices affect our destiny. Our choices can take us to an alternate destiny, and our choices can lead us to a dead end. Some people never come back from the dead end. If we trust our instinct, and if we are true to ourselves, we will reach our true destiny. Our true destiny must be fulfilled for us to move on in the next life.

2.75 We must flow with our instinct. We cannot force fate to take our preferred path. We must follow our instinct which will keep us on our correct path. If we do not follow our instinct no matter how difficult, or if we try to force events instead of flowing with what occurs, we will create a detour. We will make an incorrect turn which will make our journey more difficult until we are back on our correct path.

2.76 We must do what our instinct tells us is best for our soul, not what others may consider is best for our public image. Our public image does not matter, only our soul matters.

2.77 If we follow our instinct, we are prepared for whatever life presents us with. We must follow our instinct and we must not worry.

2.78 For every event in our lives, there is a process for dealing with the event. The process for dealing with the event will vary from person to person. The process for dealing with the event is influenced by our life experiences. This means that the process for dealing with the event is continually fine tuned. We each must go through every step of our process for dealing with the event to effectively deal with whatever it is that we have to deal with. Our instinct will guide us through the process. We only have to follow our instinct.

2.79 There are times in our lives when we must learn a particular lesson before we can move on. That lesson is repeated as often as it takes until we learn the lesson.

2.80 Everything happens for a reason. Even if something appears to be coincidence, it is not.

2.81 Our instinct knows what fate has waiting for us around the next corner. Our soul knows what our destiny is. We must follow our instinct which will protect us until fate is ready to step in. Our instinct will lead us along the correct path to fulfil our destiny.

2.82 If love is hurting us the love is not positive love. Positive love does not hurt. We should not accept any other type of love, because we cannot be truly happy with something less than positive love.

2.83 If we only pretend to learn we only fool ourselves for a short time. We will be given the lesson again, as often as it takes until we really learn the lesson.

2.84 When we finally learn each lesson which we need to learn, we are rewarded with inner peace. The only way that we lose our inner peace is to forget a lesson or be presented with a new lesson which we fail to learn. As long as we believe in ourselves we will regain our inner peace when we learn again. Inner peace can only be obtained today, inner peace can only be maintained today, inner peace is the key to real happiness, inner peace cannot be achieved through compromise, inner peace cannot be achieved through pretence and inner peace is all that we really need to aspire to.

2.85 When we attempt to give our self-image an artificial boost there is a greater than 50% chance that the reverse will occur. Building our self-image artificially is not worth the risk.

2.86 We must accept what is today. We should prepare for the future, but we cannot live the future until the future is today. We may become frustrated because the future is not today, but there is no way to make the future today until the future is today. We must accept this, and we must not give up on the future. The future will and must become today, in time.

2.87 If we lose our belief in the future, we will live an unhappy and desperate existence for as long as it takes us to regain our belief in the future. We must maintain our belief in the future regardless of what happens, and against all odds.

2.88 We can only live in the real world. It is all right to visit a fantasy world now and then, but we cannot live in our fantasy world. If we try to live in a fantasy world we are only delaying the inevitable need to identify what is wrong with our real world and rectify what is wrong with our real world. In the meantime we have lost a lot of time that we could have lived fulfilled, and to our potential.

2.89 We must be ready for the next big step before we can take our next big step. If we attempt to take our next big step before we are ready we will go backwards. If we take our next big step too late we will miss the opportunity to take our next big step. We cannot use not being ready as an excuse not to take our next big step. We must continue to take small steps forward so that we are in a position to take the big step, when our next big step is called for.

2.90 We can only take each step for ourselves. If we attempt to take a step for someone else, we are not ready to take the step.

2.91 We must follow our instinct even if we do not know why we are being told to take certain action. We will know why we are being told to take certain action, only if we need to know why we are being told to take certain action. If we never know why we are being told to take certain action, it is because knowing why we are being told to take certain action would cloud our judgement.

2.92 Reviewing our past is good for our soul, reviewing our past provides understanding, reviewing our past allows us to remember old lessons, and reviewing our past allows us to learn new lessons in hindsight.

2.93 It is important to share ourselves with the people in our life. Sharing ourselves gives us and those we share with another perspective. Sharing ourselves is positive. Sharing is give and take, but if all we do is give, or all we do is take, we will not have a balanced perspective.

2.94 As long as what we are doing is positive, we are following a positive path. If we follow a positive path we will be rewarded. If what we are doing is negative, we are following a negative path. If we follow a negative path we will suffer pain. The positive path appears harder, but the rewards make the positive path worthwhile. The negative path seems easier, but the price we will pay far outweighs the ease of the path.

2.95 We cannot be our true selves while we have a distorted view of our true selves. Regardless of what fears and insecurities have caused the distortion we need to identify the distortion, and we need to isolate and address the cause of the distortion. We must overcome our fears and insecurities to become our true selves. Only by being our true selves can we be completely happy.

2.96 There is not anyone or anything in this world that is worth compromising ourselves for. We must never compromise ourselves, nothing and nobody is worth the price.

2.97 Sometimes, all that we need to continue our journey is confirmation that we are on the right path.

2.98 When we use all of our strength we may need someone to lean on while we regain our strength. This is not weakness this is part of being human, but we must not lean too long or we will come to rely on the support, and we may break when we lose the temporary support.

2.99 We each have limited reserves of strength. When our limited reserves of strength are exhausted we need to regain our strength. Following our instinct when our instinct is in opposition to everything that we want is the hardest battle which we will fight. Following our instinct when our instinct is in opposition to everything that we want will consume all of our strength and then some. Maintaining our course will consume all of our new strength as we obtain new strength. We will have no strength left for anything else. We will feel that this is a weakness. It is not. Following our instinct when our instinct is in opposition to our desires, is the true test of our character.

2.100 When we have failed to learn many of the lessons which we need to learn, we go through a necessary and painful period of catch up learning. This is a very difficult period to survive and yet we only have ourselves to blame for failing to learn earlier.

2.101 Sometimes we are given a taste of fulfilment which does not last because we are not ready. The pain of losing fulfilment is extreme, but we were only given a taste of fulfilment so we would know how satisfying life is meant to be. This is our inspiration to learn the lessons which we need to learn, to live our life as we are meant to live our life, and to believe in ourselves. Only when we have truly achieved this, will we become fulfilled and receive our reward.

2.102 When our rational mind is putting doubts in the way of our acceptance of what we know to be true, we must draw on our life’s experiences. We must reflect on all of the times that we knew something to be true, and our rational mind convinced us otherwise. We must reflect on the final outcome when we knew the truth all the time, and should have accepted what we knew to be true. We must remember all of the pain caused by not accepting what we knew to be true. We must remember all of the fears caused because we failed to believe in ourselves. We must use these facts as arguments that even our rational mind cannot dispute. We must keep doing this until our rational mind accepts what we know to be true.

2.103 Every time that we win a battle within ourselves we learn another lesson. We have to keep fighting, we have to keep winning, and we have to keep learning to grow until we reach our potential. We cannot obtain the reward of fulfilment until we reach our potential.

2.104 Each time that we forget a lesson, we have to re-learn the lesson. Whilst we are re-learning an old lesson, we cannot learn a new lesson. This delays our ability to reach our potential, and until we reach our potential, we cannot obtain fulfilment and happiness. The only person who suffers from our forgotten lessons is ourselves.

2.105 Sometimes we know that something does not matter, but our conscious mind aided by our doubts tries to tell us that whatever it is does matter. We have to keep convincing ourselves, over and over, that what we know does not matter, really does not matter.

2.106 We cannot face a situation until we are ready to face the situation. If we try to face the situation before we are ready to face the situation we will not deal with the situation in our best interest. We must not worry if we are not ready to face a situation. We must wait until we are ready to face the situation, and then we will face the situation and deal with the situation in the best way for us. We will know when we are ready to face the situation. We should also know that if we are attempting, or even wanting, to deal with a situation before we are ready to deal with the situation, it is usually for someone’s benefit other than our own. This means that we are compromising ourselves and we always suffer when we compromise ourselves.

2.107 When we are recovering from a hurt we must allow our instinct to guide us to whatever it takes to heal us. As long as what we are doing is positive, and as long as we do not hurt anyone else, it does not matter what we do, or what others may think. All that matters is that whatever we are doing is right for us.

2.108 We must not feel that it is a weakness to admit that we have a problem, it isn’t. Our friends cannot help us if they do not know what is wrong. Often something which cannot be seen up close, can be seen from a distance.

2.109 It can become difficult to maintain interest in our life when we are consumed with a problem which we are struggling to solve. We must keep going through the motions of our life until our interest in life returns. Going through the motions of life will also assist us to regain our interest in our life. Our interest in life will return when we are ready, and when our interest in life returns we will be glad that we kept going through the motions of life.

2.110 We must accept what is meant to be. If something happens and it is not against our instinct, it is meant to be. We will not always like what is meant to be, but we cannot change what is meant to be, and we can cause ourselves a lot of pain trying to change what is meant to be.

2.111 We must only do what is right for ourselves, and we must only do what is right for ourselves, for ourselves. We cannot do what is right for ourselves for someone else, and we should not avoid what is right for ourselves because we have no one to do what is right for ourselves with. We have to learn that although someone else may be important to us, no one else is essential for us. Self is all that is essential.

2.112 If something is meant to be now, that something matters. If something is not meant to be now, that something does not matter. This is all we really need to know.

2.113 We must never compromise ourselves. Doing something which we do not want to do, is not compromising ourselves it is compromise. We all need to compromise sometimes. Compromising ourselves, is trying to be something which we are not. We compromise ourselves for our public image. We compromise ourselves to meet someone else’s expectations. We compromise ourselves because of our fears and doubts. We compromise ourselves because of other people’s fears and doubts. If we compromise ourselves we are not being our true selves. If we compromise ourselves for too long we will distort and lose our true selves. It can take us a lifetime to find our true selves again, if we ever do. Unless we are our true selves we cannot reach our potential, fulfil our true destiny, find positive love, or be complete. Without these things, we cannot live a truly happy existence. Compromising ourselves is not worth the price.

2.114 Sometimes we must follow a certain course of action to help someone. It is likely that the person who we are helping will not see this at the time. We cannot let this deter us, we must do what we know is right. In time when the person who we are helping is ready to learn, the person who we are helping will understand what we were doing. What someone else thinks of us does not matter. Only we can know if we have done our best regardless of what someone else thinks.

2.115 When we stop searching for an answer. We will realise that we had the answer all the time.

2.116 We must not judge anybody. Their life’s experience has made them who they are. They have learned the lessons which they were ready to learn, and they have failed to learn the lessons which they were not ready to learn. We must help someone if we can, we must support someone if they ask, but we must not judge anybody.

2.117 If we try too hard we are trying to force something which we are not ready for. We must flow with events. We will take each step, when we are ready to take each step.

2.118 One of the biggest problems that we create for ourselves, is pretending that something matters. We pretend that something matters because of our fears created by our desire to maintain our public image, or our attempts to live up to the expectations of others. These are fears conditioned upon us through compromising ourselves. The only thing that matters, is doing what is right for our soul.

2.119 We will never find what we need by looking. Chances are we will look for the wrong thing, and in the wrong place. We have to stop looking. We have to know that whatever and whomever we need will be drawn to us, when the time is right.

2.120 Knowing is only half the battle, understanding is only half the battle. We cannot leave the two halves unjoined. Unjoined halves are incomplete. We have to join the halves. We have to form the whole.

2.121 We must not fear death. Death is not an ending, death is a new beginning. Death only occurs when death is the next step in our existence.

2.122 Our potential is dynamic, we must grow with our potential. If we fail to learn a new lesson, we remain static. If we forget an old lesson, we go backwards. Either way we are not living to our potential.

2.123 Our soul knows our correct path and uses our instinct to steer us along our correct path. Our conscious mind creates fears and doubts. These fears and doubts are the barriers to our correct path which we must overcome.

2.124 If we live with our soul we are ready for anything. It is the fears and doubts created by our conscious mind which prevent us from being ready for anything. As we conquer each fear and doubt we are ready for each new step. We can only live with our soul when we have conquered all of our fears and doubts.

2.125 Sometimes life presents us with new fears and doubts. These are life’s tests. Life continually tests our readiness and until we pass each new test, we stop living with our soul.

2.126 Life really is simple. It is only the doubts and fears created by our conscious mind, and fuelled by our imagination which make life complicated. When we eliminate our fears and doubts, life is as life should be, simple.

2.127 As we come close to reaching our potential life uses our greatest strength, the most positive element of our life, to test us. This is our hardest test. This is the test which we must pass before we can reach our potential.

2.128 We must not under-estimate the value of friends. Friends provide balance, perspective, and support. We need all of these things. However, we cannot rely on any one person too much. If we do rely on any one person too much, we will lose ourselves.

2.129 After we have honed the sword of our instinct and smoothed the rough edges, the blade is still scratched. We have to polish the sword of our instinct and remove all of the scratches, some of which are old and deep. This is an ongoing process. Each battle that we fight leaves our sword with new scratches.

2.130 We cannot second guess fate. We cannot make something happen. We have to know that if we are following our instinct, fate will take a hand when it is time. It does not matter if we cannot see a way out, and it does not matter if we seem to be heading in the wrong direction. We must follow our instinct until it is time for fate to step in and bring everything together. When fate steps in everything will fall into place and we will wonder why we doubted.

2.131 Sometimes, we feel that there are too many lessons. Sometimes, we seem to make the same mistakes over and over. Sometimes, we start to despair at ever reaching our potential, and we wonder if we will ever learn what is necessary to reach our potential. However, we must not despair. Each time that we learn a new lesson we are a step closer to reaching our potential.

2.132 When someone close to us dies we must not despair. We will miss the person who has died. We will mourn our loss. However, we must know that the person who has died has completed this lifetime, the person who has died has learned all that they were capable of learning in this lifetime, the person who has died has done all that they were required to do in this lifetime, and the person who has died has moved on to the next necessary phase of their existence. If we need to learn with that soul again, we will be drawn together in the next lifetime. If there is something which that soul still needs to do in this lifetime, they will do what they need to do, before they move on.

2.133 The only thing which we are entitled to receive in a relationship is honesty. We have a right to expect honesty and nothing more. We also have an obligation to give honesty in return.

2.134 Most of the problems which we face are caused by ourselves, regardless of whether our problems are real or imagined. This is all right as long as we learn from our problems and do not continue to create the same problems. If we learn from our problems, our problems are worthwhile. If we repeat our problems, our problems were a waste of time.

2.135 We must review our life as a whole. We must see how everything which has happened in our life had a reason. We must see how everything which has happened in our life was absolutely necessary. We must see how our life has come together to allow us to be the person that we are and to learn the lessons which we needed to learn. We must have no regrets because our life has made us the person that we are. Based on the historical facts of our life, we must accept that everything which is happening and will happen is also necessary, for us to become the person we will be.

2.136 When we think that something or someone matters in our life we have to ask ourselves, why? Only when we understand why we believe that something or someone matters, can we know if that something or someone really matters.

2.137 People matter. We should always help someone in need, if we can. We must allow ourselves to care. We must share with people. We must love people. However, we cannot do any of these things if we have to compromise ourselves, if we have to be someone we are not, or if we have to fuel our fears and doubts, to do it.

2.138 We must be our own inspiration. If we allow someone else to be our inspiration, our inspiration is artificial. The only true inspiration we can have is ourselves.

2.139 There are times when we think that we are ready to take the next step, but fate seems to work against us. We will have trouble understanding this, but we are simply being told that we are not ready to take the next step, after all.

2.140 When we have beaten many of our fears, doubts, and insecurities, the fears, doubts, and insecurities which we are left with are our deep fears, doubts, and insecurities. These are the fears, doubts, and insecurities that have been with us for a lifetime. It takes time to conquer these remaining fears, doubts, and insecurities. We cannot defeat our remaining fears, doubts, and insecurities overnight. We have to keep fighting. We have to keep winning each battle, and we must win the war, eventually. If we expect the fight to be easy, or if we think that we are not succeeding because we have to keep fighting, we are being too hard on ourselves.

2.141 Reality is reality. We cannot always change reality particularly when our reality involves other people. We have to accept that reality is so. We also need to accept that the reality which we want to change, is probably not important anyway.

2.142 When we are changing the priorities of a lifetime we will continually question ourselves, but we will know within our soul that we are on the right path.

2.143 When we feel that our life no longer fits us, we look around to determine what has changed. It is a little frightening to find that nothing has changed, except ourselves.

2.144 When we achieve all that we ever wanted from life. When our life experiences and our instinct confirm that we have achieved all that we ever wanted from life. We are likely to lose all that we ever wanted from life again, if we are not ready for all that we ever wanted from life. We must not despair. If we continue to grow. If we take a positive step each day we will continue getting closer to regaining all that we ever wanted from life. When we are ready, we will regain all we ever wanted from life, and we will have all that we ever wanted from life, permanently. However, if we despair and for as long as we continue to despair, we will not be ready to regain all that we ever wanted from life.

2.145 When our fears and doubts are very old, our fears and doubts become entangled not only with one and other, but also with our soul. We will need to spend a long time untangling the mess, before we can extract our old fears and doubts.

2.146 When we find hidden fears, doubts, and insecurities wherever we look, our fears, doubts, and insecurities are hidden so well that our fears, doubts, and insecurities are difficult to extract. We have to completely dismantle ourselves and completely re-build ourselves from the ground up leaving out everything, that is not a part of who we are.

2.147 There are times when we give our strength to others. We must not give too much strength away because once we give our strength away, we cannot get our strength back. People can give us their strength if they are capable, but they cannot return our strength.

2.148 When we are constantly battling the same old doubts we should list all of the reasons why the doubts are not really who we are. Then whenever we start to doubt we can read the list to re-affirm who we are.

2.149 We must reflect on our life on a regular basis. We may have previously learned all that we were ready to learn, but we will continue to find lessons which we had previously overlooked because we were not ready to learn the lesson, until now.

2.150 When we find that we are continually worrying about something. We must review the outcome of when we worried about something in the past. We will find that we never should have worried before. We can use this fact to demonstrate to ourselves that there is nothing to worry about in the present.

2.151 If we find ourselves reading a book at every opportunity, watching videos whenever we can, and day dreaming when we cannot do either. We need to review our life. We will find that we are trying to escape from our life because our life does not fulfil us. We cannot really escape from our life, so we must find what is wrong with our life and change it. We are the only ones who can change what is wrong with our life, but if we do not change what is wrong with our life, we will never be satisfied with our life.

2.152 There are only three things which can change our true selves. Fear, doubt, and insecurity. The changes which fear, doubt, and insecurity cause are so subtle at first that we will not realise that the change is occurring. When we identify our fears, doubts, and insecurities. When we remove our fears, doubts, and insecurities, people will think that we are changing, but all we are doing is undoing the changes which our life has made to who we are. We are returning to our true self. Whether people think that the changes are for the better or not, does not matter. Chances are that the changes originally occurred, because we were trying to satisfy another’s expectations, which are based on their own fears, doubts, and insecurities.

2.153 When we know that a problem exists we automatically think that the problem is our problem. This may be true, but chances are that the problem is not our problem. We need to follow a process, drawing on our life’s experiences to be ready to make a conscious decision as to what if anything, we should do about the problem. We must first understand what the problem is. Not the symptoms, but the real problem. We then must understand what barriers we will have to overcome to solve the problem. We must estimate how much of our time, how much of our life, we will need to invest to solve the problem. We must also consider the likely cost to ourselves, and how much of our strength will be required to solve the problem.

Once we have determined how much of our life will be consumed by solving the problem, what will be the cost to us to solve the problem, and how much of our strength will be consumed to solve a problem, we have to assess the benefit which we will gain by solving the problem. The benefit that we gain by solving the problem may be tangible, or the benefit that we gain by solving the problem may be learning and growth. We must know what the benefit of solving the problem will be before we will we be ready to decide if the problem is our problem. If the benefit outweighs the cost, the problem is our problem. If the cost outweighs the benefit, the problem is not our problem.

2.154 Most of the time we are allowed to wander on our own, learning or not learning along the way. We are only dragged back onto our path when we stray too far. However, there are times when we must stay on our correct path and we will not be allowed to stray. It is unlikely that we will want to travel our correct path, and we will fight the force that is pushing us along our correct path with all the strength we have, but it is a waste of time. Fate sometimes drags us along our correct path kicking and screaming, regardless of the path that we want to travel.

When we give up fighting and accept that we must travel our correct path, we attempt to force the pace. However, fate will not allow us to travel our correct path until we are ready to travel our correct path, so fate places barriers in our way to slow us down. The only way for us to remain at peace through the periods in our lives when we must travel our correct path, is to allow our instinct to guide us.

2.155 If our belief in ourselves is laid on the foundation of someone else’s belief in us, our belief in ourselves will collapse when the foundation is removed. When our belief in ourselves collapses, we will have to rebuild our belief in ourselves based on the foundation of our own belief in ourselves. The only way for us to have a permanent belief in ourselves is to build our belief in ourselves upon our own foundation.

2.156 The way to fulfil our destiny is to follow our instinct. Our instinct knows what we must do to fulfil our destiny. Our instinct will guide us to our destiny with the minimum amount of pain. We will still feel pain, and we will still hurt on occasion. Pain and hurt are a product of growth, but by following our instinct the pain and hurt that we experience will be a lot less severe than the pain and hurt we would experience, if we did not follow our instinct.

2.157 Negative people take our strength and offer nothing in return. Negative People instil doubt in our minds. Negative people chip away at our character. Negative people fuel our insecurities. Negative people are feeding off us. Negative people are often subtle. Negative people fuel their own insecurities with pieces of us. Negative people take small pieces of us so that we do not notice, as it is happening. Eventually negative people take enough from us to shatter our confidence. It will often take a long time for us to realise what has happened. It can take just as long to re-build the missing pieces of ourselves. We should avoid negative people, the cost of having them in our life is too high.

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