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6.1 If we look to the other side of the bridge to our soul, we will see truth, we will see beauty, we will see love, we will see compassion, in fact we will see everything on the other side of the bridge to our soul. Insecurity, fears and doubts only exist on the other side of the bridge to our soul as shadowy images. Insecurity, fears and doubts do not really exist, because Insecurity, fears and doubts are not real.

6.2 Sometimes we need to walk a tightrope between the real world and the pretend world. This is a very difficult time, we require all of our concentration and strength to maintain our balance.

6.3 Everything is as it is, which is not necessarily as it seems.

6.4 The only confirmation which we require, comes from within.

6.5 The moment when soulmates are re-united, is the moment of mutual recognition.

6.6 The joy which we experience at the moment of the re-joining of our soul, is indescribable and overwhelming.

6.7 Only a complete soul, can truly experience complete awareness.

6.8 As soon as soulmates recognise each other, soulmates feel together. Soulmates feel the other’s presence. Soulmates are no longer apart.

6.9 Soulmates re-united provide more than an inner glow of love. Soulmates re-united provide an inner warmth. Soulmates re-united provide an amazing sensation of well being.

6.10 Pain killers do not work on pain from another lifetime, because pain from another lifetime is not really there.

6.11 As soon as we stop flowing with the events which occur in our life, we stop living with our soul. We must never stop living with our soul.

6.12 The one lesson which we must learn, is that we must learn.

6.13 The only qualification that we need to become enlightened, is to live.

6.14 Every problem which we have is caused in our conscious mind. We must let go of our conscious mind completely. When we have let go of our conscious mind, we will have let go of our problems.

6.15 Experience is the only way to really learn. We must draw on our experiences from all lifetimes, not only one lifetime.

6.16 Our conscious mind is provided so that we can make conscious decisions. Our conscious mind creates the experiences which we learn from. Our ultimate conscious decision, is that we do not need our conscious mind.

6.17 Our conscious mind fights so hard for control, because our conscious mind is fighting for survival.

6.18 Accepting the existence of the bridge to our soul, and accepting the existence of the unresolved issues which reside on the bridge to our soul, is not easy. However, the existence of the unresolved issues which reside on the bridge to our soul, is the only logical explanation for all of the aspects of our current lifetime, which do not fit our current lifetime.

6.19 How many of our assumptions have to be proven wrong, before we stop making assumptions?

6.20 Having and appreciating material possessions is not the issue, the importance which we place on material possessions is the issue. What we must understand is that we do not need material possessions. If we understand that we do not need material possessions, we can enjoy the material possessions which we have.

6.21 It is enjoyable to have a comfortable life. We do not need to live in poverty to find our correct path. We must understand that a comfortable life is a gift, or a karmic reward for past adversity. We must keep our comfortable life in its proper perspective. A comfortable life is enjoyable, but a comfortable life is not essential.

6.22 Our mind raises questions to fuel our doubts, but our soul has all the answers.

6.23 It may be harder for a rich person to find their correct path, than it is for a poor person to find their correct path, but it is hardest for the middle class to find their correct path. The middle class must learn compassion for those who have less, and the middle class must learn not to envy those who have more.

6.24 We cannot see the complete picture, by looking at the individual pieces of the jigsaw.

6.25 Our conscious mind cannot travel across the bridge to our soul. We must let go of our conscious mind, before we can travel across the bridge to our soul.

6.26 We cannot carry anything across the bridge to our soul with us. Anything carried across the bridge to our soul, would contaminate the purity of our soul. This is why unresolved matters from previous lifetimes remain on the bridge to our soul.

6.27 Security on the bridge to our soul is intense. There are guards every step of the way, continually searching us and ensuring that we remove anything which we may be carrying, whether we know that we are carrying anything or not.

6.28 The top shelf is not empty, because we cannot see what is on it.

6.29 What is more important? The container or the contents.

6.30 Love and tenderness between people, is not and cannot be evil.

6.31 When we feel intimidated by someone as soon as we meet them, the intimidation is from a previous lifetime. Either they did us harm, or we did them harm. Either way there is no reason to feel intimidated, in this lifetime.

6.32 Unresolved matters from past lifetimes must be understood, resolved if necessary, and then left where unresolved matters from past lifetimes belong, in the past.

6.33 We must not underestimate the power of our conscious mind, in our conscious mind’s battle for survival.

6.34 Having control over our conscious mind is not enough. Having control over our conscious mind allows us to focus on getting want we want in the artificial world. We have to let go of our conscious mind. We have to understand that our conscious mind is redundant. Unless we understand that our conscious mind is redundant, we cannot cross the bridge to our soul.

6.35 The more that we know, the more that we realise how much we never knew, that we knew.

6.36 Nothing bad will happen to us. We are given opportunities to learn. If we fail to learn, we will suffer. This does not mean that what happened was something bad.

6.37 It is always good to make new friends, especially when they are old adversaries.

6.38 Our final thought is carried with us into the next lifetime. We are given an opportunity in our next lifetime, to act on that final thought, regardless of whether our final thought is a good thought or a bad thought.

6.39 Our emotions must be addressed. If our emotions have not been addressed in one lifetime, we carry our emotions into the next lifetime. This continues lifetime after lifetime, until we address our emotions.

6.40 If we wonder if we have met our soulmate, we have not met our soulmate. Recognition of our soulmate is immediate. If we think that we have met our soulmate, we have met a bonded soul. A bonded soul is attached to us, our soulmate is us.

6.41 God is the thread, which ultimately attaches all souls to each other.

6.42 Each step across the bridge to our soul, allows us to see the other side a little clearer.

6.43 The moments from each lifetime which we should hold on to, are our moments of love.

6.44 When our souls travel the spirit plane, we often communicate with each other. We will request guidance or assistance as required. How many times have we had a sudden urge to contact someone, and when we do they say, ‘I was just thinking about you’. Our souls had arranged the contact on the spirit plane.

6.45 Soul bonding is dynamic. New souls join our soul group. Old souls who move to the higher plane, leave our soul group.

6.46 When we cross the bridge to our soul, our emotions change. Our negative emotions disappear. Where we once felt loss, we now feel gain. We cease to be sad about events which occur. We become happy for the same event which we were once sad about. Others will think that we have no emotions, but this will not concern us. We know that the only emotions which we do not have, are negative emotions.

6.47 As our eyes adjust, we can see a little light, even in the darkest souls.

6.48 As the negative emotions which were holding us back disappear, our positive emotions grow and never stop growing. We become far more emotional than we knew was possible, and all of our emotions, are positive emotions.

6.49 Soul links are multi-directional.

6.50 The thread of truth which runs through each piece of the puzzle of life, is the same thread which binds each soul to all other souls. This how the truth is within each of us. The thread of truth is God.

6.51 The secret to defeating our conscious mind, is not to allow the fight to be fought on our conscious mind’s home ground. We must fight with our soul, not with our conscious mind.

6.52 When we make a promise to a soul who is moving on, we are given the opportunity to keep that promise in another lifetime.

6.53 As we become more aware, we become aware of whom we are required to provide assistance to. Sometimes we have to assist someone, who we would not have considered helping prior to becoming aware. Other times we are not required to provide assistance to someone for whom we care deeply.

6.54 We must give encouragement and support to somebody, whenever we have an opportunity to give encouragement and support to somebody.

6.55 The feeling of well being which we receive by being there for someone when we are needed, makes being there for someone worthwhile.

6.56 Sometimes we learn from someone else’s experience, because we were there for them.

6.57 Fate does not give us a task to perform, without also giving us the ability to perform the task.

6.58 Earth guides enter and leave our life based on our needs. We always have an earth guide with us, however neither of us may be aware of this.

6.59 We all have two relay teams of guides with us from birth, one spiritual, one physical. As one guide finishes their role and another starts their role, the baton which contains a record of our life is passed from one to the other. Some guides run more than one leg of the relay, other guides run a leg for each team.

6.60 When we start to become aware, we start from the level of awareness which we achieved in our previous lifetime. The level of awareness which we achieve in this lifetime, is then carried forward to the next lifetime.

6.61 Those of us who have become enlightened in a previous lifetime, are born enlightened in this lifetime. When we become aware in this lifetime, we are enlightened in this lifetime. We then know what purpose we are here to complete. We are here to fulfil our destiny.

6.62 We all have a key which opens the door to our awareness. We are offered the key to our awareness from time to time. As soon as we accept the key to our awareness, we open the door to our awareness.

6.63 The bond between bonded souls is sometimes passive and sometimes active, but the bond between bonded souls is always present.

6.64 Whether a bond between bonded souls is passive or active, is not determined by whether a bonded soul is in our life at present.

6.65 We will not always like a person whose soul is bonded to ours. Regardless of the emotions, or the lessons which we have learned together, deep down we feel the bond and the love.

6.66 Anger stifles the flow between souls with an active bond.

6.67 When we become enlightened, we look upon those who are not enlightened with understanding and patience.

6.68 When we become enlightened, we stop measuring everything, and we stop comparing everything. Measuring and comparing are only fuel for our ego, and our ego has been left in our wake.

6.69 Life is not a competition, we do not need to beat anyone. We are all on the same team.

6.70 If each moment is filled with love, each day is filled with love. If each day is filled with love, our lifetime is filled with love.

6.71 When an enlightened child is amongst us, the truth governs their actions. We do not understand this, so we do our best to replace their true values with our artificial values.

6.72 Often we do not know that we have an answer, until the question is asked.

6.73 We are always given an opportunity to learn the easy way. If we do not take the opportunity to learn the easy way, we are given an opportunity to learn the hard way. If we do not take the opportunity to learn the hard way, we are given a demonstration, which is a very difficult experience.

6.74 Often in a misguided attempt to protect someone from hurt, we temporarily block the flow of their lifetime. The flow eventually finds its way around the block. If we put another block in the way, the person we are trying to protect will continue to flow in circles, until we take the block away. We must allow others to flow along their natural course, and learn from their hurt if necessary.

6.75 Bonded love is pure and positive.

6.76 Love is simple. We complicate love through our insecurities.

6.77 Bonded love becomes confused when we are required to learn about relationships with a bonded soul. Before a soul can leave their bonded soul group, and move on to the higher plane, the love between their bonded souls must complete the circle, and revert to bonded love’s pure beginning.

6.78 Sometimes we must experience something, before we can see that something.

6.79 On our journey towards enlightenment, we will experience things which we did not know existed, but we will not experience anything which we did not know existed.

6.80 We are given our conscious mind to allow freedom of choice. Freedom of choice is necessary to learn. Our ultimate choice is to discard our conscious mind.

6.81 Our conscious mind allows us to believe that we are superior, because we have a conscious mind. This is the ultimate illusion created by the conscious mind.

6.82 As we gain enlightenment, we want less from life. However, as we gain enlightenment, we gain more from life.

6.83 Even the most complicated existence becomes simple, when we gain enlightenment.

6.84 As long as we never lose sight, of what matters and what does not matter, we will never have a problem.

6.85 Reflexes caused by the death throws of our conscious mind, are short and very sharp.

6.86 The only way to allow our conscious mind to die, is to give our conscious mind no reason to live.

6.87 We must not be concerned about being placed in any situation. If we are placed in a situation, we will know how to handle the situation. So we have no reason to be concerned.

6.88 We sometimes find ourselves in a relationship with someone who brings out all our negative character traits. We are drawn into a relationship with someone who has the characteristics to bring out all our negative character traits, to have our negative character traits brought out and shown to us, so that we will learn of the existence of our negative character traits.

6.89 We sometimes find ourselves in a relationship with someone who brings out all our positive character traits. We are drawn into a relationship with someone who has the characteristics to bring out all our positive character traits, to have our positive character traits brought out and shown to us, so that we will learn of the existence of our positive character traits.

6.90 Eventually we must reach a point where we do not require any more proof of reality.

6.91 After we have discarded our conscious mind, we need to remove the dead roots from our conscious mind, otherwise the dead roots will rot.

6.92 After we remove the roots from our conscious mind, we must leave the wound alone. We must allow a clot to form, and allow the wound to heal.

6.93 The wound from the removal of our conscious mind, will remain tender for some time.

6.94 Many of the rules imposed by religions, contradict the very principles on which religions are based.

6.95 Two and two equal four. However, there is no point adding two and two, until we have been given the complete equation. If we have not been given the complete equation, the sum of two and two is irrelevant.

6.96 We are equal. Nobody is more important than anybody else. We must remember that we are equal and we must treat everybody as equals.

6.97 Most rules are made because having the authority to make rules feeds the ego and the artificial sense of importance of those making them. Rules achieve the same for those enforcing the rules. If everybody lived with their souls, we would not have to impose rules for any reason.

6.98 If something, regardless of whether that something is either physical or emotional, hurts whenever we think about that something, we should not think about that something.

6.99 One of the main reasons that we are given doubts, is so that we can dispel the doubts.

6.100 Even after our earth guides have fulfilled their purpose in our life, our earth guides will reappear in our life from time to time. Our earth guides reappear in our life, whenever our earth guides need to fill in a gap, or our earth guides need to tie up a lose end.

6.101 We cannot help someone, until they know that they need help. Often we only need help because we have failed to learn that sometimes, we need help.

6.102 We should not attempt to pick someone up, until they are ready to be picked up.

6.103 Because we have forgotten how we learned a lesson, does not mean that we did not learn the lesson.

6.104 The game of snakes and ladders that is life, is not the standard two dimensional game of snakes and ladders. The game of snakes and ladders that is life, is a multi dimensional game of snakes and ladders. We can slide back to, or climb into each dimension.

6.105 We cannot force someone onto their correct path. We must all find our own way.

6.106 Sometimes we have to look into the past. Looking into the past may be the only way that we will find something, which we had previously missed.

6.107 As we remove our conscious mind, our visits to the spirit plane become clearer, and easier to recall.

6.108 It is easier to learn on the spirit plane than it is to learn on the earth plane. There is no pain on the spirit plane.

6.109 The remaining roots to our conscious mind, will continue to impede our visits to the spirit plane, until the roots to our conscious mind are all removed.

6.110 There are too many events in our lives which have occurred by chance, for any of the events in our lives to have occurred by chance.

6.111 We must cross the bridge to our soul, slowly.

6.112 Sometimes we recognise a soul from a previous lifetime, but we have no contact with the soul who we have recognised, because the soul who we have recognised has no place in this lifetime.

6.113 If we become lost, it is better to stop. It is better to wait for guidance, than to continue walking in circles, trying to find our own way out.

6.114 Becoming frustrated because someone does not learn, will not help them to learn.

6.115 It is easy to hold on to the river bank again. We will often grasp the river bank without realising that we have grasped the river bank. As soon as we do realise that we are clinging to the river bank, we must let go, and continue flowing until we reach the ocean.

6.116 We are often offered assistance, from where we least expect to be offered assistance.

6.117 There are no doubts in reality. If we doubt, our doubt is caused by our artificial values. If we remove our artificial values, we remove all doubt.

6.118 Often the only way to find something, is to stop looking for that something.

6.119 Fate will juggle our lives. Fate will speed things up or slow things down as required to ensure that each of us are in the right place at the right time.

6.120 Throughout our lifetime, seeds are sown within us. Some are flowers, some are weeds. We must choose which seeds we will allow to grow.

6.121 When our artificial supports are removed, fate is giving us a vote of confidence. Fate is telling us that we no longer need artificial supports.

6.122 When people have fulfilled their purpose in our life, they move on. We must be thankful that they have fulfilled their purpose in our life. We must understand that if their departure from our life was painful for us, their departure from our life was also painful for them. We must wish them well on their journey. If they are now rewarded for their service to us, we must be glad that they earned their reward.

6.123 When fate takes something from us, fate gives us something in return. Usually fate is replacing something which we do not need, with something which we do need.

6.124 How many times do we have to be given a lesson, before we learn the lesson? As many times as it takes, for us to learn the lesson.

6.125 We must not anticipate that something has happened for a specific reason. We must accept that they everything happens for a reason, and we must accept that the reason will be revealed to us when necessary. The reason why something has happened, is always different than the reason that we anticipated, anyway.

6.126 When we first open the door to our awareness, the door to our awareness swings closed again. Each time that we open the door to our awareness, it becomes easier to open the door to our awareness, and the door to our awareness stays open a fraction more.

6.127 Even when we flow, we have to accept that the river will not always flow in the direction in which we want the river to flow.

6.128 If we know how long our journey will take, or if we know how far our goal is, achieving the goal is not a true test of endurance. A true test of endurance is when we do not know how far our goal is, or how long our journey will take. We pass the test of endurance when we keep on going, regardless.

6.129 It is easier for debris to attach itself to us, when we are clinging to the river bank, than it is when we are flowing with the river.

6.130 Sometimes we need the intense light of a lightening bolt, to see what is in front of us.

6.131 Like any limb which has been amputated, there are times we can almost feel our conscious mind, after we have removed our conscious mind.

6.132 Understanding that there is a reason for everything, is only half the lesson. We must also know that the reason for anything, does not matter.

6.133 We must not try to teach. If we are where we are meant to be, and we are required to teach, we will teach. If we try to teach, we will not teach correctly. If we try too hard to teach, we will miss the opportunity to learn.

6.134 All accidents are caused by fate. If an accident is caused, the accident is not an accident.

6.135 Every opportunity which is presented to us has two sides. An opportunity may be an opportunity to do something, or an opportunity may be an opportunity not to do something. Our instinct will let us know which opportunity we have been presented with.

6.136 Often all that we need to do, to help someone, is to understand what their problem is.

6.137 Depth has two perspectives. The depth which we feel, is our true depth. The depth which other’s see, is the depth of our false bottom created by the fears and insecurities of our present lifetime.

6.138 When we are unsure of our motives for wanting to do something, we must genuinely eliminate all possible negative motives for wanting to do that something. If we still believe that we should do that something after we have eliminated all possible negative motives for wanting to do that something, then we should do that something.

6.139 We retain the image of our conscious mind, just as we retain the image of the truth.

6.140 It is as hard for a giving person to learn how to receive, as it is for a person who takes to learn how to give. If we are to have a balanced life, we must both give and receive.

6.141 The bridge to our soul is narrow. It is easy to slip off the side of the bridge to our soul, if we do not pay attention to our footing.

6.142 If we do something because we can, we are doing that something without reason. If we do something without reason, we will receive no benefit from doing that something.

6.143 The seed of our conscious mind remains within our bodies. The only way to prevent our conscious mind from re-growing, is to avoid feeding the seed of our conscious mind.

6.144 It does not matter how far we have travelled, we can slip back.

6.145 Sometimes we are meant to do something, so we will learn that we are not meant to do that something.

6.146 We must expect nothing, but we must expect anything.

6.147 Everything in life is charged with both negative and positive energy. One of our challenges is to recognise both negative and positive energy. If we do not recognise both negative and positive energy, we may feed the wrong one.

6.148 We have to experience a period of revision to ensure that we have really learned, before we can move to the next level.

6.149 We cannot fool fate. We can fool ourselves, but not for long.

6.150 When we learn from textbooks, we are limited by the book which we are learning from. Many significant discoveries were made by people who had not read the textbooks.

6.151 We must pay attention to what is happening, not what has happened, or what may happen.

6.152 We should not be surprised if something happens, nor should we be surprised if something does not happen.

6.153 It is never too late to learn. It is not important if we learn at the beginning of our lifetime, or if we learn at the end of our lifetime. What is important, is that we learn during our lifetime.

6.154 We must endure because we have failed to learn. If we fail to learn again, we will have to endure again, in the next lifetime.

6.155 Before we can allow the beauty of a rainbow to shine through us, we must risk evaporation by the sun.

6.155 Before we can allow the beauty of a rainbow to shine through us, we must risk evaporation by the sun.

6.156 We will never see the warnings from our soul, while the warnings from our soul, are blocked by our conscious mind.

6.157 We should think carefully about what we buy. If we buy something and do not use what we have bought, we have wasted our money. Even if what we really buy, is a lesson.

6.158 Genetic engineering is like perfecting a wine bottle, but ignoring the quality of the wine.

6.159 Awareness is circular, not linear. Our level of awareness is a point on a circle. We are each aware at different levels, from a different starting point. Our level of awareness, refers to how much of the circle has been completed. Two souls can have the same level of awareness, but be aware of different things. The only way to become fully aware, is to complete the circle.

6.160 There is only one true emotion. The one true emotion is love. All other emotions are false, and therefore meaningless.

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