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If we have a love based environment imposed on us in any way, even by God we cannot experience a loved based environment, because the love based environment would be artificial. |
If God sent a master, or a group of masters to appear in a 'magical' way so that their identity could not be doubted, wherever there was war and hatred to suggest that we had experienced enough fear and that it was time to move to a loved based environment, such appearances may prove to be successful. However, the result would not be a choice, the result would be a response to coercion, and therefore what would be experienced, would be coercion, not love. |
If God, motivated by love, created a love based environment by any means other than our choice, a choice made freely and without any undue influence, God would not have created a love based environment. | |
The only way that God can assist us to create a love based environment is to allow us to choose to create a love based environment, by letting it be known that we have this choice, and not interfering with whatever we choice we make. |
A love based environment cannot be maintained by any means other than choice. A love based environment maintained by fear, is a fear based environment, not a love based environment. If a love based environment were to be maintained by threats of judgment, wrath and hell, such an environment would be a fear based environment which is why God has no judgement and no wrath, and why there is no hell beyond what we choose to experience on the earth plane. Judgement, wrath and hell are not words of God, but inventions of man, often created as a result of a lack of understanding. | |
A love based environment must be created only by choice, if a love based environment is created any other way, the environment is not a love based environment. |
Our Choice. |
That the world is fear based is choice. A choice to experience a fear based world. That the world will change from a fear based environment to a love based environment is also choice. The choice to experience a love based world. Either choice is neither right nor wrong, all is experience. That living within love is far more rewarding than living in fear is fact, and both need to be experienced for us to become aware of this fact. |
The change from a fear based environment to a love based environment will be brought about by the choice of us on the earth plane. The change from a fear based environment to a love based environment will not and cannot be brought about by any other means. Unless the change from a fear based environment to a love based environment is by choice, the change from a fear based environment to a love based environment is not real. | |
We have existed within a fear based environment. We elect our politicians based on fear, and the media reports on fear based events, because love based events do not sell newspapers. Our environment reflects the individual environments of the majority, but we cannot change the majority, we can only change ourselves, and then we can really only change one moment at a time. |
Governments reflect the population. Governments are fear based because we have chosen to live fear based lives. If we were to choose to live love based lives, then those in government would reflect our choice. Our governments will change from fear based to love based, because there are many of us now seeking the truth, and therefore the love. | |
The new world order has begun, and the new world order is very different from what has been predicted, or expected. The new world order is a new order of a love based society which will replace the fear based society which has been the environment we have chosen to experience for many thousands of years. We are only at the beginning, the snowball has started to form. |
The snowball will grow, the snowball will continue to build upon itself, but it will take many hundreds of years before love really becomes the fabric of our environment. | |
Now that the love based environment had started, the love based environment cannot be stopped. |
Society will change and society will change the only way that society can change, through changing the fabric of society from fear based to love based. | |
The fabric of society will not change through political means, the fabric of society will not change through a crusade by true believers. If the fabric of society did change through these means, the fabric of society would not change. All that would effectively change is the agenda of the fear based society. |
The transition to a love based existence is not a change that will be imposed, the transition to a love based existence is a change that will occur. Many who thrive within a fear based environment will attempt to perpetuate the fear based environment, and for a time they will succeed. | |
However, the change from fear based society to love based society will occur as we come Full Circle, and this process which has now begun cannot be reversed. The result will be a love based society. |
The change from fear based society to love based society has begun and the change from fear based society to love based society will continue as the majority seek the truth of existence, and allow the change from fear based society to love based society to occur. | |
The change from a fear based existence to a love based existence will only occur through the change of environment within the majority, often referred to as the silent majority. The average, everyday person who does not have a political agenda and does not attempt, often successfully, to impose the will of a minority on the majority. |
It will not be the will of minorities, however well intentioned, which will change the fabric of society. It is the will of the majority choosing to replace a fear based environment, with a love based environment which will allow the change to occur. | |
It is through the collective choice of the majority, that we are able to change our environment. We are able to create a positive love based environment which will enable souls to experience the beauty and the joy of the earth plane. |
Beauty, love and joy, like fear magnify themselves when it is what the majority experience. When we move to a love based environment, the beauty will become more beautiful, the joy will become more joyful, and the love will encompass everything. This is how the earth plane was once experienced and how the earth plane will be experienced again. | |
An event which occurs when we are in love, we barely notice, if at all, but the same event when we are existing within fear or anger can make us livid. |
Enough Fear. |
The key to living in a love based society is for each of us to choose to live a love based existence. Moving to a love based existence is that simple. As more of us choose to live a love based existence, we will become the majority and then the basis of society. Moving to a love based existence is that simple. |
No one person will or can change society. This has been demonstrated. Each of us must make our own choice to live in the love and through our collective choice, society will alter from fear based to love based. The earth plane will move from a fear based environment to a love based environment, because many are seeking to exist within a love based environment. The choice to move to a love based environment can only be individual. | |
Many of us are governed by fear, and fear dominates our thoughts. Fear is both the cause and the product of the fear based environment that the earth plane has become. Fear is a result of artificial fulfilment, and fear is why those from other physical planes watch the earth plane so closely. There will come a time when we are governed by love, and love will dominate our thoughts. |
Fear at all levels does destroy lives. Whenever we allow fear to govern our actions fear will remove our ability to live in a love based existence. Fear is self perpetuating, and if we respond to fear with more fear we have perpetuated fear and allowed fear to take control. We must respond to fear with love because there is no other way to defeat fear. | |
In fact, we cannot defeat fear, but we can remove power from fear by not feeding fear, by not accepting fear. Unless fear is sustained, fear cannot survive and this is how we will transform the earth plane to a love based environment, by removing fear and responding with love. |
There are an ever growing number of people who are saying ‘enough’ to fear. The earth plane will become a love based environment, it is only a matter of time. | |
Fears, doubts and insecurities are excess weight which we carry around. As we start to extract our fears, doubts and insecurities, we begin to lose the excess weight, and our old fear based life no longer fits us. However, until we have lost all of our excess weight we will not fit into our new love based life. |
The best way to release stress, or to prevent ourselves from accumulating experience is through love. When we consider our own lifetimes; whenever we exist within an environment of love, we do not feel the stress regardless of what occurs around us. When we are filled with love there is no room to retain any other experience. | |
We exist within the centre of what is in our heart. If love is in our heart we see only love, but if hate is in our heart we see only hate. |
We have two alternatives. We can either live a love based existence or a fear based existence. | |
We will live in a love based existence, we will experience the joy of who we really are. We will experience the truth of existence, and we will see the beauty of the earth plane. |
The change from a fear based environment to a love based environment does sound like ‘new age hippy drivel’, but the change from a fear based environment to a love based environment has begun and will become our reality. | |
The media are governed by ratings, the media will show what sells. What sells at the moment is fear based material, and until there is more money in love based material, the media will not change. |
When we live fully within a loved based environment, there is no need for laws based on fear. The acts which our fear based rules attempt to protect us from, will not be experienced in a love based environment. Once we live within a love based existence, we have no desire to experience fear based environments. | |
Wherever we look we can see that it is easy to change the world from a fear based world to a love based world. We need only to choose to do so. We need only make our choices in all things, including those who represent and serve our communities, based on love instead of based on fears and insecurities. |
Most of us have simply experienced all of the fear based environments which we have chosen to experience and are now seeking the alternative. This is the time of change. Those who accept that a love based society is possible will exist within a love based society, and we will reach a point where all souls share a love based existence. The fear based existence will end. | |
The End of The World. |
The end of the world is upon us, but it is the end of the fear based existence and the beginning of a love based existence. The artificial nature of the fear based existence which thrives upon and compounds artificial fulfilment is fighting for its very existence. | |
Whenever the vibration of love increases within the earth plane, the fear vibration fights a rear guard action, and escalates fear in one part of the world or another, through war, tension, health issues, economic down turns, drug use, or crime and violence. Fear is all around us wherever we look, and whenever we look upon the surface of our existence. |
However, if we choose to look beyond the surface, if we choose to see The Truth Of Reality, we will see love everywhere that we look. Our collective choice is to exist within a love based environment, our collective choice is to release the fear based environment from our grasp. Fear is struggling to retain control, but fear will fail. The choice has been made, and our path to love is irreversible. | |
There will be no second coming heralding the end of the world. What has been determined to be the second coming is simply a completion of what was started. The only way that the world will end is that the fear based existence will end. |
What will end is a fear based existence and what will begin is a love based existence. This has been interpreted that the world will end and that those who have accepted what the religions say will reside in heaven. The basic concept is correct, but the interpretation in itself is a nonsense. | |
Consider what many have determined will happen. God in the physical form of Jesus, the God of love, will return to earth, punish those who have not accepted this love and take those who have accepted this love to live in a paradise. |
How could the God of love, the God who is love, punish those who do not return that love? What do we think that pure love is? The very concept in itself is such a gross contradiction that it is a nonsense! | |
The end of the world is the end of the fear based existence, and heaven is the love based existence. This is apparent, and it is also apparent that punishment and destruction cannot possibly fit into this equation. How could they? |
The only end will be the end of our fear based existence, and a new love based existence will come into being. If we look at the history of the world, we have without doubt, done our time in hell! | |
The devil is simply man’s way of turning our own fears into an entity. Those who live a fear based existence, live in hell and those who live a love based existence live in heaven. |
What is a love based existence if it is not heaven? Regardless of whether we are in a physical or spiritual existence, we live whatever existence is in our heart. If we have love in our heart, we are surrounded by love, if we have fear in one form or another, such as hate for example, in our hearts, we are surrounded by hate. | |
If we look to our own lifetimes, we can see within our lifetimes how this principle, if applied to all souls consistently will create a love based environment for us to exist within. This is exactly how the fear based society will become a love based society. |
Fear is the common enemy of us all. Fear can manifest itself at a personal level, or fear can manifest itself at a cultural level. In fact, it is fear which causes and feeds upon cultural differences. If we accept fear as the common barrier to a love based existence, we have taken a step towards creating that love based existence. |
Our generation is the last generation of the fear based existence, and the first generation of the love based existence. Our generation is both the last generation of a fear based earth plane, and the first generation of the love based earth plane. |
The completion of the movement of the earth plane from a fear based environment to love based environment is still a long way off in the terms of the earth plane. Nevertheless, we remain the last generation of the fear based environment and the first generation of the love based environment. | |
The end of the fear based existence could be considered the end of the world. However, the fear based existence will be replaced by a love based existence. |
When a specific society, or a way of life no longer needs to be experienced, its purpose for existence is complete. All societies are created by the collective choice of those within the society. When the collective choice ceases, there is no means to maintain the society, and the society therefore ceases. It is by this principle that the fear based society will end and the love based society will be chosen to replace the fear based society. | |
The change a fear based society to a love based society which will occur will come from within, from within each soul. As more and more souls change the basis of their individual existence from fear based to love based, the fabric of society will change accordingly. The fabric of society is a product and a reflection of those within the society. If the individual existence of those within society is fear based, then society is fear based. |
The change from a fear based existence to a love based existence will occur individually, not all at once. One individual at a time, one step at a time. As each of us embrace love and discard fear, so love will increase. The journey from a fear based existence to a love based existence will continue one step at a time, one individual at a time until the journey is complete. | |
When the world moves from a fear based to a love based environment, the world will not move to a love based environment at the expense of experience. The environment needed for experience will remain, because experience is the purpose of the earth plane. |
The world, our collective environment is changing slowly, one moment at a time, but the world is changing and the world will change as those who choose to experience a love based environment become the majority. | |
There are growing numbers of individuals who are calling for a response based on love, and not an escalation of fear by way of retribution. This is how, this is the only way that the earth plane will move from a fear based environment to a love based environment, the choice of an ever increasing number of individuals. |
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The Truth Surrounds Us. |
Many interpret the judgement and end of the world aspects of spiritual texts literally, because they are viewing the spiritual texts from within the fear based society, not from within the love based society. |
Has not all that has occurred in the last century alone not been enough hell for us? Have not many of the events in the last century been caused by fear, a fear that is also the devil? Is it not time for the beginning of the love based existence, which will prevail until the end of the incarnation of the earth plane? | |
The end of the world, is the end of the fear based existence. That it was said that those events would occur at the end of days, is simply a pointer to the timing. Is it a coincidence that these events would occur when it was time to move into a love based existence? |
The message of the change from a fear based society to a love based society, is being delivered throughout the world at this time. The message within cultures and religions seems to be a little different, but each message must be delivered in a way that can be easily understood by those to whom the message is delivered. Without a common point of reference, there can be no understanding, and without understanding there can be no communication. | |
A love based existence is beginning to manifest itself, we have lived a fear based existence for long enough. Anyone who looks at our history for the last millennium will see that we have done our time in hell. |
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Heaven On Earth. |
Love is more powerful than fear, because love is real and fear is an illusion. Many are beginning to ignore fear and through ignoring fear, fear will lose substance and cease to exist. |
We ignore fear through the need to experience. We cannot experience if we are frozen by fear, and the only way for us to experience is to ignore fear. Fear will feed upon itself. | |
Difficult experiences on the earth plane produce the reverse effect on the higher plane, because only love exists on the higher plane. However, a love based experience on the earth plane cannot be reversed, because only love exists on the higher plane. |
Regardless of what we experience on the earth plane, the experience is a love based experience on the higher plane. Only love is real and only love exists on the higher plane. | |
Heaven is a free gift from God, and all that we need to do is accept the gift, accept heaven. There no conditions, no rules, we need only accept the gift of heaven and live within a love based existence. We can live in heaven now, if we live a love based existence instead of a fear based existence. |
We are at the end of our fear based existence, and the beginning of a love based existence. The world has already begun to change, all that we need to do is accept that a love based existence is possible. | |
The transition to a love based environment has began. The seed is sown, and all that we need to do is allow the transition to a love based environment to occur. There will be attempts to reverse what has begun, but such attempts will be unsuccessful because the power of the universe, love, has been unleashed on the earth plane. |
The time of love has arrived and love exists together with fear in our environment. As fear begins to wither and die, so love will take hold and grow to in time wrest dominion of the earth away from fear. | |
Love has begun to consume fear, and love will continue to consume fear, until the last remnants of fear have been consumed. The earth plane which has been a fear based environment, will become a love based environment. |
Many of our love based values, are really fear based values disguised as love. Fear has overtaken our politics and our religion, but this is changing and will continue to change. If we look around us, we will see fear, and we will see through the disguise of fear. When we look around us, we will also see love, and we will see that the time of love has arrived. A time of acceptance without judgement. | |
As we look around us, it will seem on occasions that fear has fought back, and that fear has regained ground, but this is an illusion. No opportunity to move a love based existence, even within our own individual environment is lost. If an opportunity to move from love to fear is missed, another opportunity will be provided. |
Individuality. |
The transition to a love based environment has begun and many have recognized that the transition to a love based environment has begun. However, many are trying to make the loved based existence happen. Their efforts are neither futile or in vain, and their attempt to create the loved based environment by making the loved based environment happen, will assist with the creation of the love based environment. |
There are those who will see the transition to a love based environment occurring, and see the effort being made to make the loved based existence happen, and believe, that the attempt to make the loved based existence happen is artificial. They too will be correct as artificial fulfilment begins to feed upon itself. However, the love will also begin to feed upon itself, and will in time consume all artificial fulfilment. | |
Many believe that we have become totally selfish and self absorbed, and lost our religious values in the process. The movement away from religions to individuality is a necessary step in the process of looking for our answers within ourselves. The impact of this movement to individuality is naturally reflective of the fear based environment of the earth plane. In time, as we look within, our individuality or selfishness will become love based, instead of fear based. |
The Prophesy of John Lennon. |
Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today... |
Imagine there's no countries, It isn’t hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace... |
Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... |
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one. |
© Bag productions inc. |
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Copyright permission is seldom withheld. |