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Connecting with the Higher Plane
Book Four Connecting with the Higher Plane

A New Level Of Awareness

  Rainbow bar

The new level of awareness which I had unexpectedly reached, was possible only because I had allowed myself to reach a new level of awareness. I had not looked for the truth in all things, I had allowed myself to see the truth in all things. By allowing myself to see the truth in all things, I had increased my vibrational rate, and with my increased vibrational rate I had tuned into the next level of awareness.

It had only been a few days since Sue had told me to allow myself to see the God presence in all things. At the time I believed that I had understood what Sue meant. However, not for the first time, nor I suspected the last time, I had not understood what I had been told.

It is very difficult to describe what I could see. In fact, I knew that I should not try to describe what I could see. If I described what I could see, there would be those who would seek what I could see, and look too hard. The key is to accept, not to look.

Any who truly accept that the God presence, the truth of our existence is contained within all things, will allow themselves to see the truth within all things, and they will understand that to which I refer.

Once again I had widened my vision, and once again I saw through the illusion of the physical plane. However, the experience was different this time, because I felt no awe, and because what I saw, felt natural.

  Rainbow bar

For the rest of that day and the following morning I retained my view of the world. The experience was similar to when I had seen the beauty of the world. Initially I had experienced a very intense preview which had been short lived, but in time the beauty of the world had returned naturally. I now saw the beauty of the world wherever I looked, and it seemed that I would now see through the illusion of the earth plane, whenever I looked.

The same process had been evident with my psychic ability. I had been given a taste of my psychic ability, which had faded other than with the aid of tools, to be subsequently returned to me naturally, and without the aid of tools.

There was definitely a pattern here. I would be given an introduction to an ability which would enable me to understand that the ability was real, and how the ability worked. The ability would then remain dormant for a period, before returning in a natural and controllable way.

As I reflected on the events since my return from Europe, I saw that when a soul chose to experience a specific reaction to a situation, the soul would experience their chosen reaction regardless of what action those around the soul followed. That each soul will experience their chosen reaction to any given situation is a very important point, because that each soul will experience their chosen reaction does drive home the futility of speculating on what course of action should have been followed. How many times do we say to ourselves 'if only I had …'?

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We must understand that what course of action we follow does not matter. If an experience has been chosen, our chosen experience will be experienced regardless of our actions, so speculating on what could have been is futile. What could have been could not have been, because what could have been was not meant to be. Once an experience has been chosen, our chosen experience will be experienced.

I had spent some time the previous evening reflecting on who I am, and I felt that I was close to really knowing who I am. I recalled that I had reflected on who I was, a month before my journey started. I compared the two results of my reflections, and I understood that who I am was different to who I was. The differences in who I am were subtle, but the differences in who I am were very important.

I knew that this process of reflecting on who I am, would continue throughout my lifetime. I considered the differences in how I had seen myself on those two occasions, and I understood that the difference reflected all that I had experienced in respect of who I am not, during my journey.

When I had first completed the review of who I am, I had not been aware of what I was doing. Subsequently, I understood that becoming who we are is our purpose. I had now completed the same review of who I am, and I had been aware of what I was doing. It was through my awareness that I had experienced exactly what I was doing.

  Rainbow bar

Awareness is the key to true experience, which demonstrates the point that had been made during my journey into the future. We may choose to really understand our experience, if our experience is from a position of awareness.

It is from a position of awareness that we can become aware of exactly what we are experiencing, and why. However, this does not mean that we become aware of exactly what we are experiencing and why, before we experience anything. If we did become aware of exactly what we are experiencing and why before we experience anything, it would alter the experience. We may become aware of what we are experiencing during the experience, and why we are experiencing immediately after the experience.

It is through becoming aware of what we are experiencing, and why we are experiencing that we are able to release the experience and move on, which is exactly what I would do as I slowly allowed myself to become who I am.

It is through the awareness of why we are here, that we are able to develop an awareness of who we are. Even when we accept that ultimately we are God, it is not enough. We must become aware of who we are, and an awareness of who we are, can only be achieved through experience.

I knew that an awareness of who we are, can only be achieved through experience, but I did not really understand that an awareness of who we are, can only be achieved through experience, until I became fully aware of the point during my final review.

  I reviewed what was happening in my environment at that time, and all that had occurred during my journey, from the new level of awareness which I had attained. I was surprised by how differently my new level of awareness allowed me to see everything. The God presence, the thread that binds all together, is indeed everywhere, and in everything.

I felt that I'd had my eyes opened to an aspect of our existence which had been closed to me. I had known that the God presence was everywhere, I had seen the God presence when I chose, but I had not truly understood the extent of the God presence, which sounds like a nonsense.

As I have stated, the God presence is not something which is easily described or which can be described. The God presence is something which must be experienced. When we choose to see the reality of the God presence, we will know the God presence.

Another message which I had been given, but failed to see is that we do not really listen to what is being told to us. For some time I had been able to discern specific messages for me from any given conversation, but I now saw there was so much that I had missed, because I was not fully aware of the extent of the God presence which surrounds us.

As I had experienced throughout my journey I had thought that I had understood a message or advice, which had been given to me, but I had not really understood, until I had become fully aware of whatever it was through experience.

I was given a few more glimpses of how my spiritual centre would operate. I found how my spiritual centre would operate both logical, and fascinating.

  I was beginning to understand how the future would become the environment of love which I had witnessed. As souls become aware of the reality that is pure love, they desire only that more souls become aware and move towards pure love. The desire for all souls to share pure love was something which God had explained to me, but once again I had not really understood God's explanation, until I had experienced the desire for all souls to share pure love for myself. As a soul moves closer to living within pure love, they desire to share pure love with all.

The very nature of love, is that love must be shared. The more love we live in, the more we seek. We want all to feel pure love, so that pure love increases and we have more pure love to live within. The desire for more pure love is a selfish concept, but the very nature of pure love means that the desire for more pure love, is not selfish.

God had explained the reality of the desire for pure love when God had explained what God was, but I had not truly understood until now when I had experienced pure love and truth within all things, and I was aware of the experience.

Fear works on the same principle. If we live a fear based existence, we want to share fear with others. When we understand the nature of love and fear, we will view the history of the earth plane differently. We will see how fear created artificial fulfilment and fed upon itself, ever increasing until fear and artificial fulfilment, had all but consumed the earth plane.

Now that we are becoming increasingly aware that love is the true nature of all things, love will feed upon itself and grow as love consumes the fear of the earth plane. If we all take a moment to review our lives, we will see that love is more powerful than fear, and that love can overcome fear within our own lives.

If we then apply what we have seen within our own lives to the earth plane, we can see how love will overcome fear, and how the earth plane will in time become love based, not fear based.

  I reflected that I had not needed to realise in my new environment to take the step to become aware of the God presence, of love within all things.

God said, "I have already explained that you are not within your current environment, for yourself."

I was given another glimpse of the future and how my message would be delivered. As I reflected on the future I understood that taking the step to become aware of the God presence, of love within all things, from within my current environment certainly demonstrated that it is possible for all to become aware of the God presence, of love within all things, and from my own viewpoint becoming aware of the God presence, of love within all things from within my current environment, underlined the experience.

"So you now see that it was important that you returned to this environment for yourself too?"

Even before I began my journey I had observed that the so called 'New Age Movement' was developing a form of spiritual snobbery which has long been the basis of many religions. Spiritual snobbery was something which I had been watchful of, but I knew that spiritual snobbery had affected me on occasion. I now saw that spiritual snobbery had affected me on occasion, and I saw how easily my spiritual snobbery had developed. I also knew that when we take the step to become aware of the God presence, of love within all things, we lose all sense of spiritual snobbery. When we see the God presence in all things, we know that all are capable of seeing the God presence, if they choose.

  We also see clearly that each must choose to see the God presence in all things for themselves. There is no other way to see the God presence in all things, and there is really no way to assist another to choose to see the God presence in all things, other than to make the availability of the choice to see the God presence in all things known. All that any of us can do is allow others to see that they have the choice to see the God presence in all things, and allow them to make the choice to see the God presence in all things, if they choose.

The more that I reflected the more that I understood the significance and importance of me reaching the level of awareness which I had reached from within my current environment. I had a job albeit a job which I did not enjoy, I had financial and family responsibilities that I could not walk away from. I interacted with people at the most basic level daily, and I had all of the day to day pressures of the earth plane to balance. I had allowed myself to become aware from within an average environment, and if I could allow myself to become aware, all could allow themselves to become aware.

That I had allowed myself to become aware from within an average environment, is very significant. That I had allowed myself to become aware from within an average environment removed the mystery of awareness. That I had allowed myself to become aware from within an average environment, proved beyond all doubt that all can allow themselves to become aware.

  To become aware, there are no courses that need to be taken, there is no need to leave the day to day world, and there is no need to undertake spiritual training for many years. All of the resources, all of the assistance which could be needed to become aware is within the grasp of every soul.

All that is required of us, is to open ourselves, allow awareness to happen, and to allow ourselves to receive the guidance which is provided for us. Guidance is within everything that we do. Spiritual guidance, like the truth of our existence is all around us. Wherever we turn we are provided with guidance, and all that we need to do, is open ourselves up to receive the guidance which is provided.

There is no correct path, the path is within ourself and each path is different. All that we need to do, is choose to see our own path. Along each path there are barriers, dead ends, detours and even chasms. Each one of these represents something which we need to experience, and what we are really doing, is experiencing who we are not.

Much of my journey had been undertaken to dispel the spiritual myths. To remove the mystery and allow all who wish to see that there is no magic formula, no need to undertake special spiritual training, and that all that we need to become aware is all around us. God truly is everywhere.

  To those who choose to retain a view which I once held that; 'it is all right for him but …'. I say yes it is all right for him. In fact, it is far better than all right. However, it is all right for you too, no buts.

We can all find our way home by simply choosing to find our way home. We can all find our way home by allowing ourselves to see the light which shows the way home. The light which shows the way home is everywhere. God wants us to return to God, to return home. God wants us to become the pure love which we are.

Do not take my word for anything. Look around you and see the truth for yourself.

God said, "Welcome home."

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