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Eagle Spirit Ministry
Adaptation of…

A Manifestation Visualization

Presented by…
SoulStar Adventures

A Rainbow is a special blessing. A Rainbow is a balancing of the chakra colours. A Rainbow gives us hope, renewal, new beginnings and spiritual illumination.

This exercise is vitalizing, and an effective manifestation tool.

To begin….

We stand, in a comfortable position, with our feet slightly apart, and relax.

We imagine a beautiful Globe of Rainbow Light, above our head shining on us.

This Globe of Rainbow Light is the light of our connection to the divine source of all.

This Globe of Rainbow Light is the light of fulfilment and wholeness.

This Globe of Rainbow Light is the light of abundance.

This Globe of Rainbow Light will bring the things that we need to us.

We reach up with both of our hands, and we pull the Globe of Rainbow Light down.

We surround ourselves completely with Globe of Rainbow Light.

We feel the Globe of Rainbow Light whirl throughout our entire being, our body and our aura.

We feel the Globe of Rainbow Light wash away our worries and blocks, which we release into the Globe of Rainbow Light.

We allow our wishes and needs to flow into the Globe of Rainbow Light.

The Globe of Rainbow Light will bring into reality all that we need for our highest good, and our soul purpose.

We allow The Globe of Rainbow Light to rise above our head, and return to source.

Peggy Jentoft

  Make a Rainbow Viewer