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Analogies of Reality
Analogies of Reality

Riding A Pushbike.


The beginning of awareness is not dissimilar to a child learning to ride a bike. After the training wheels have been removed, the child will often need to have a parent steady the bike. Often the parent will let go, and the child allows themselves to ride a bike, until the child becomes aware that the parent has let go, and the child ceases to allow themselves to ride the bike, and losses their balance.

Sometimes we seem to float, to observe life and we know that the earth plane is an illusion. At other times, we are firmly anchored to the earth plane. When we seem to float, we are being our true self.

Consider a child learning to ride a pushbike. Sometimes the child is balanced and riding is easy, but at other times the child cannot get their balance, and they continue to fall. We are like children. We must learn how to become our true selves, and we must learn how to maintain our true selves.


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